is jungle fish rayn's cousin or something, dude needs a break from posting hentai

I honestly don't think I've posted a single thing on this or any interweb forum out of anger.

03-01-2012 02:06 PM BadMoFo Whiney faggots will whine like faggots until they are forced to swallow the barrel of a shutgun and their brains are blown out the back of their whiney faggot heads
you guys are seriously worse than a bunch of women, sitting around and concerning yourself with everyone else

why do you suppose you do that sort of thing?

You have to admit, this forum would be a lot less interesting if everyone completely ignored everyone else.

Considering that's how discourse works.
i used to hate on people who used ignore and thought for the longest time that those posters were just weak and ignored others because they had sand in their vaginas

but let me tell you, ever since ignoring dweasel and jungle fish, my forumwhoring experience has gotten exponentially better

now i'm a believer
my posts are like dinosaur

Apparently some people around here have a hard time detecting satire, or, I'm just very very bad at it. to suggest that I've ever been actually upset over the goings on of this forum is rather ridiculous to me. I like Jungle Fishes (sp?) posting style, I find it refreshing and invigorating. Any forum-goer that relies on ignore to control the rage response certain other posters invoke in them should perhaps seek professional counselling. Also, dicks.
Apparently some people around here have a hard time detecting satire, or, I'm just very very bad at it. to suggest that I've ever been actually upset over the goings on of this forum is rather ridiculous to me. I like Jungle Fishes (sp?) posting style, I find it refreshing and invigorating. Any forum-goer that relies on ignore to control the rage response certain other posters invoke in them should perhaps seek professional counselling. Also, dicks.

you respond to nexting and threats with more nexting and threats

i don't buy that it's all in fun to you. it's clearly a passive aggressive response, which is not playfulness, it's anger.
you respond to nexting and threats with more nexting and threats

i don't buy that it's all in fun to you. it's clearly a passive aggressive response, which is not playfulness, it's anger.

Perhaps it's a satirical or sarcastic, over-dramatized portrayal of those perpetrating that sort of behavior?

Or maybe I am on the verge of a mental breakdown over what a mostly mentally retarded failure at life has posted about me on the internet and I'm willing to make a serious threat against someone's life over it.

I'm not quite sure which one it is, you're welcome to make your own determination, of course.