In this thread we discuss our favorite Looney Tunes characters.


Favorite Weapons: Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator and the ACME Disintegration Pistol
Mission in life: To blow up the Earth because it blocks his view of Venus.
Yosemite Sam. Foghorn Leghorn.

LePew had his moments.

I laugh every time Sam launches himself in to the air by rapidly shooting the floor.
how could I forget
Le Pew

but none of these fucks is in the same class as Daffy Porky and Bugs

it's Brittany, bitch
Nobody said Bugs Bunny?

Probably the most influential cartoon character in my early development.
Can't believe no one has mentioned:

Pinky and The Brain.

There was no greater Looney Tune character than this duo, the one time they took over the world I cried real tears.
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