
"I want to coug ur nutz and make you my cuck, Horatio"

Thanks for the inverse Grinch.

My dick shrank three sizes this day.
Some of the womens are crazy hot... however its far from the majority. Lots of them have vikings genes and less than desirable traits.

I had no wipeouts however there were a few times were I almost got blown off the road by wind gust.

I built the bike just before the tour so everything was brand new. The chain broke twice, it kept getting cloged up with very fine volcanic dust and sand. I was trying to clean it every few days but it wasn't enough I guess.
Actually curious what you ate / drank. nice pics

Drank water from any road side creek, whenever I had doubts about there being animals upstream I would pop a water purification pill in it. Didn't need a filter at all, the water is cleaner than tap water here. For food I had some lyophilised for when I was camping far form towns. Then I would usually buy food at groceries stores every 2-3 days. Otherwise, dirty burgers from service stations kept the hunger away.. Food is really expensive in Iceland, and spending as much calories as I did I ate a shit ton of food, it ended up costing quite a bit more than I wanted.

Federere, yeah I surf whenever I can. It's an amazing sport that I don't practice nearly often enough. We had hooded excel 5/4, pretty good wets. I've had mine for a 2 years now and it still barely leaks water inside. Have you ever 'tried' to surf in the great lakes?
Got into lake surfing a couple of years back. How else are we supposed to keep in training for surf trips lel. Had to get a much bigger board obviously due to lack of fresh water buoyancy so it's not as maneuverable as a board that's my height but it's still fun as fuck.
My 6'6 rusty piranha does ok.
What u using for Lake?
Got into lake surfing a couple of years back. How else are we supposed to keep in training for surf trips lel. Had to get a much bigger board obviously due to lack of fresh water buoyancy so it's not as maneuverable as a board that's my height but it's still fun as fuck.
My 6'6 rusty piranha does ok.
What u using for Lake?

Never tried lake surfing, from here its faster to go down to New England. If you time it right and hit a storm you can get some pretty nice waves. I have a thick and stuby 6,0, its nice but I could go way bigger. I really wanna give river surfing a go next summer tho..
man i have a hard enough time trying to get myself to go out in SoCal in the winter. Course i only have a 3\2
but i ain't going out in water less than 57 degrees
retirement in mexico here i come
Sweet pics and thanks for sharing. Iceland seems reminiscent of New Zealand in ways. Want to visit both.

It's funny you mention that cause at times the landscape really reminded me of New Zealand with less green. I guess that geologically they are very similar. And yeah, you should visit both.