I wish to lodge a complaint against United Aerospace Corporation

hay guys
i'm going 2 complain about how dark doom 3 is 2 b unique & profound
& how unrealistic it is
w/o actualy taking game 4 wut is is

but i play tribes & call of duty or some othr gay unrealistic game

Dear UAC;

Hi, how are you doing? I just had an interesting idea while fighting off hell single handed. I heard a lot of people claiming you had a lot of power consumption problems while I was fighting hell, and well.. to be perfectly honest, I can see why.

For starters, every other room seems to look just like a boiler room of some sort, if you fix this, then there would be more power for lights.

Also, there seems to be a lot of leeky pipes and such, perhaps some duct tape would fix this problem?

Thank you for taking the time in reading my letter.

A very concerned military combatant.
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Rathbert is a lot like El Smack in that he's a hippy that thinks that he's funny. Except that, as unfunny as El Smack is, he is a comedic genius when compared to Rathbert.
Game Title  	Theme  	             Enemies
Doom  	        Dark industrial    Monsters from hell

Doom 2  	Dark industrial    Monsters from hell

Doom 3          Dark industrial    Monsters from hell

I see the connection between these games, do you?
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That's cool. They'll just turn on the lights so you can post a thread about how much Doom 3 sucks because it won't run above 5 fps on your computer.
So we have this space travel and 200 years in the future but we still use gunpowder and a flashlight.

No nightvision or infared

what gives?
In the future you're in a highly futuristic industrial complex that manufactures highly technological machinery... BUT the only portable source of light you can find is a 99-cent K-Mart flashlight which spent the last week repeatedly falling off the back of a pickup truck.
In the future you carry around a fusion reactor on your back.
BUT you can't use your jetpack for more than 30 seconds at a time.

In the future you have a chaingun.
BUT it has a lower rate of fire than the hand-cranked gatling guns used in WWII.

In the future Tribes do battle without any sort of star ships or mechs because they lack the ability to maintain them.
BUT they have absolutely no difficulty maintaining their highly complex armors and man-portable reactors.


You people are nit-picking about Doom's "logic" because it's the popular thing to do. If you're going to bitch about that, you'd damn well better start bitching about Tribes.
I have nothing against how Doom 3 was done, I think what is there is very well done, but the gameplay is about 10 years too late.
Kurayami said:
In the future you carry around a fusion reactor on your back.
BUT you can't use your jetpack for more than 30 seconds at a time.

In the future you have a chaingun.
BUT it has a lower rate of fire than the hand-cranked gatling guns used in WWII.

In the future Tribes do battle without any sort of star ships or mechs because they lack the ability to maintain them.
BUT they have absolutely no difficulty maintaining their highly complex armors and man-portable reactors.


You people are nit-picking about Doom's "logic" because it's the popular thing to do. If you're going to bitch about that, you'd damn well better start bitching about Tribes.

Uh, Tribes was a multiplayer game. Nobody's complaining about D3's multiplayer realism.
Mr_Unlucky said:
Uh, Tribes was a multiplayer game. Nobody's complaining about D3's multiplayer realism.
Maybe it went over your head a bit.
People are complaining about the logic of the Doom world. They are not talking about gameplay, multiplayer, or anything else beyond the logic that governs the world in which the game takes place.

Stop and think about how that relates to the post that you quoted for a moment. Take your time.
According to the prospectus released last April, UAC produces a wide range of technologically advanced weaponry, space freighters, and scientific equipment such as the touch screen LCD which never gets dirty regardless of what sewage processing station you toss it into

But aparently the corporation manufacture not a single thing besides those rusty red barrels which explode when shot. You may find such barrels spaced 10 inches apart every 10 inches of their highly futuristic space station of the future, assuming you have been equipped with a janitorial-strength barrel-spotting flashlight.
El Mariachi said:
Yes, the darkness adds to the aura of the game. It hasn't gotten on my nerves yet that enemies are hopping at me in the dark, because you can see them coming at you unless its pitch black darkness.

Its just the godawful lazy ass, cliche look of everything on the inside.


WTF is the problem??? You will be too busy pushing up daisies to worry about bulkheads. Oh yeah you go to Hell and become an Imp. I see no wonder your pissed........
I'm thinking they saved all of the lights and molded walls for spacestations, and did not use it in their mars base construction because of the potentially harsh atmosphere and whatnot.
that of course could be complete speculative bullshit of course.
Ratbert90 said:
According to the prospectus released last April, UAC produces a wide range of technologically advanced weaponry, space freighters, and scientific equipment such as the touch screen LCD which never gets dirty regardless of what sewage processing station you toss it into

But aparently the corporation manufacture not a single thing besides those rusty red barrels which explode when shot. You may find such barrels spaced 10 inches apart every 10 inches of their highly futuristic space station of the future, assuming you have been equipped with a janitorial-strength barrel-spotting flashlight.

3rd try and still not funny. :no: