I want a pet tarantula

Here is a cobalt.


Brazilian black.


Is that bald spot on the red knee's abdomen because its one of those spiders that uses "fiber glass" like hair defense? (hairs bury like splinters and cause severe itching)

Tarantula's are cool and all, but I think I'll stick to snakes.
Is that bald spot on the red knee's abdomen because its one of those spiders that uses "fiber glass" like hair defense? (hairs bury like splinters and cause severe itching)

Tarantula's are cool and all, but I think I'll stick to snakes.

Yes it is. That redknee was old old old and died recently. I was told by her previous owner she bought her in '81.

Is there really such a thing as a "pet" tarantula? Or just tarantula that haven't figured out how to eat you yet.
cool thanks for info!

do you mostly have arboreal or terrestrial ones too? I've read females live 12 yrs whereas males live 4-5 (don't need a 30 yr one for my first)
cool thanks for info!

do you mostly have arboreal or terrestrial ones too? I've read females live 12 yrs whereas males live 4-5 (don't need a 30 yr one for my first)

Tropical species typically don't live as long. I like the genus Poecilitheria so that is what I kept/keep most of.

Honestly I have only 4 spiders right now. A P regalis, 2 G pulchra and red rump that for some reason I forget the scientific name.

so if you're a female and have a few cats and live alone you're probably crazy

what's the deal if you got spiders?