I want a pet tarantula

I really like the cobalt blue but figured it'd be good to start with a novice species so looking at the chilean rose hair

mexican red knee cool too it looks like a tiger

while it's a spiderling I can take it with me places :)

then I plan on getting a 5-10 gallon tank

paging mandarb
You think I'm trying to be funny, but I'm actually a fortune teller. You'd better listen to what I have to say or you will wake up on your 40th birthday and realize that some guy on Tribalwar predicted this.
Cobalts are basically pet holes. If you want something you can hold and looks awesome go with a cousin of the rose hair, the Brazilian black (Grammastola pulchra). They are fairly large and very long lived. They are a pretty sought after species so they are bred commonly in the trade. Adults look like they have fine black velvet covering them.

If you want something a little crazier but with no handling, I would go with an Indian ornamental (Poecilitheria regalis) or one of its relatives. They have a medically significant venom with makes them a no go for interactions but they are arboreal and very active. I have a 7" female here. If you want to go big, get the upgrade of the P metallica. Bright blue and electric yellow markings make it the most sought after spider on the planet but expect to pay 100$ or so for a spiderling.

Avicularia versicolors are a good choice for a colorful spider that is both active and fairly easy to handle. They can be quick and they are very arboreal. They are one of the most commonly kept species (like the P regalis) in the trade.

If possible, try and buy a sexed female as they live much much longer.

Hit up Arachnoboards for pictures or sales. You can pm me any questions you may have.
