I think it would suck to date a vegan

yes, going to get one of those as soon as we move out of a rental place into a bigger house. will make a thread about witch brand to buy :D
its funny how that works. around here there are tons and tons of mullet. i can see probably 200 of them in my backyard swimming around right now. but you go to a local place and they can't get any of it because it gets sold to japan for redonkulous prices

Dude I love fish of all kinds but mullet is fucking disgusting. I can't describe the nastiness. I've tried it more than once and have decided it's not where it's from or how fresh it is or how it's cooked. It's just plain fucking foul.
What isn't kosher about fried chicken with mac & cheese? I could understand a cheeseburger (dairy + beef).

... i'm no rabbi so maybe that was a bad example, but i thought you couldn't have any form of meat (to include poultry) with dairy (the cheese, cream, and perhaps butter), used to make mac 'n cheese...

i don't think it's just dairy and beef, i think dairy with turkey would be just as much of a no-go. this is one reason why really jewish families have shitty thanksgiving dinners that you should avoid whenever possible.
Dude I love fish of all kinds but mullet is fucking disgusting. I can't describe the nastiness. I've tried it more than once and have decided it's not where it's from or how fresh it is or how it's cooked. It's just plain fucking foul.

yeah i agree, i think thats why the japanese like it so much
... i'm no rabbi so maybe that was a bad example, but i thought you couldn't have any form of meat (to include poultry) with dairy (the cheese, cream, and perhaps butter), used to make mac 'n cheese...

i don't think it's just dairy and beef, i think dairy with turkey would be just as much of a no-go. this is one reason why really jewish families have shitty thanksgiving dinners that you should avoid whenever possible.
You're right. I asked before I wiki'd it. I was under the false impression that they just didn't want you mixing dairy and meat from the same species.

Fuck kosher.
Just because there's lots of reindeer doesn't mean it's cheap. It's cheaper in Finland and Sweden but here tenderloins are 95 dollars per kg. That's a fucking lot. Samis are fucking northern jews.

Also about organic/nonprocessed meats that's kinda stupid because you cannot stock up stores with that much food without cutting corners. If some guy butchers the cow that has been running around on a field there'd be a waitinglist for that meat :p
Agreed about northern jews :D
I do like reindeer farmers though, they just let the reindeers pasture as they please in the whole of lapland. It's like going back to stone age when driving a car and suddenly there are 1000 reindeers crossing the road.
I was talking about Osiris. But that's cool. You a hockey fan Denver? Lose any fins on that KHL plane crash?
I've dated a vegan who wasn't a total nazi about it and never questioned my eating habits. It was just sometimes a challenge to find places that offered an entree that wasnt cook with meat etc.
My GF was a vegan when we met, but later just became vegetarian because it became such a pain to find things to eat when going out. She's still pretty picky about what she'll eat, but it's much easier.

She also doesn't have a superiority complex at all. I mean, she'll joke with me about eating meat occasionally, but then she cooks me a meal that contains meat. :shrug:
i dated a militant vegan once.....it was not a great experience. she didn't care that i ate meat really, but trying to go out to a restaurant with her to eat was painful
i've dated 2 vegetarians in the past and i'm currently seeing a lactose intolerant girl. no complaints... about their diet...
It does suck to date a vegan, you for the most part have to change your diet.. but their pussys taste better than any pussy i've ever tasted.
I dated a girl that was lactose intolerant, gluten intolerant, and something else that I forget. Nothing but rancid farts and shitting all of the time. :ugh:
I dated a girl that was lactose intolerant, gluten intolerant, and something else that I forget. Nothing but rancid farts and shitting all of the time. :ugh:

lactose intolerant i could deal with - the gluten thing is a total deal breaker though.

i had a roommate whose gf was allergic to gluten - trying to go out and eat at a restaurant with her was always a mission, but the things i noticed most was that she couldn't drink beer at parties and simple things that you could get delivered to the dorms (like pizza) were off the menu.

pain in the ass, and i barely had to deal with it.