I just poured orange juice into my cereal

No, it really doesn't.

Just like the claim that milk does last 1-2 weeks past the expiration date, your claim that it doesn't is a sweeping generalization that's not always accurate.

Sometimes, milk will last 1-2 weeks past the expiration date, and can actually last much longer.

The expiration date isn't an exact science; it's just an estimation. But there are a lot of factors that can affect how long milk stays fresh: How long the container has been exposed to non-refrigerated conditions, how long the container was sealed in the fridge before it was opened, etc.

So you're wrong.
it seems my milk turns to chunks between 2 and 3 weeks past expiration...

i usually still drink milk 1-3 days after expiration, but i draw the line at 3
I've wondered what water+cereal would taste like, but I never tried it because all I've had at the time was warm tap water and I figured that wouldn't be good. I guess I could put a glass of water in the fridge, then when I run out of milk I can just use that.
If you're planning on running out of milk, why not just go buy more milk?
my milk expires in 2 days and i still have almost half a gallon

It's still good another 3 - 4 days after expiration. But I can tell you the real indicator when milk is starting to go bad.


Seriously, no lie.
milk lasts 1-2 weeks after the date on the jug
i'm not one to toss things the second they 'expire' but two weeks seems a bit excessive

when it comes to milk i smell it and then decide, if it smells a little off its ok, if it truly smells funky i toss it

during the summer sometimes that point is reached before the actual expiration date, but in general milk lasts at least two to three days after the official expiration date
my milk stays there for up to 14 days

usually i toss it around 10

but sometimes its ok for 14
I've wondered what water+cereal would taste like, but I never tried it because all I've had at the time was warm tap water and I figured that wouldn't be good. I guess I could put a glass of water in the fridge, then when I run out of milk I can just use that.
I fucking despise milk, but I started eating cereal again recently, so I tried water for a bit. Gives it the appropriate hydration (durrr) but makes it soggy significantly quicker.

I just eat cereal dry now, with lots of blueberries for moisture (and blueberriness).
Gummy worms + Mountain Dew = best cereal ever!

And after the expiration date, assuming the milk goes from grocery store into your fridge in an hour's period, the milk starts smelling bad. Don't drink it.