I just adopted a dog

I uploaded all my lab videos to YT. Most were either at the dog park, or at Christmas. I used Sony Vegas to put all the clips together for each year. These videos are unlisted, but I'll post them here. There's an idea for everyone. Shoot videos, put them in a directory by year, make a single video for each year, and upload to YT.
640x480, back then in 2003, the video recorded to a floppy. Watch when the dog runs and makes sharp turns, that tears up the ACL in the back legs.


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birthday party for a dog.

Oh yeah. They love birthdays and Christmas.
2006. The thing to be aware of here, is the dog can break off a front tooth (long). Happened to us and it was a lot of money to remove the tooth. Be careful when letting your dog open presents. Don't let them rip into the hard plastic case covering a bone.
Oh yeah. They love birthdays and Christmas.
2006. The thing to be aware of here, is the dog can break off a front tooth (long). Happened to us and it was a lot of money to remove the tooth. Be careful when letting your dog open presents. Don't let them rip into the hard plastic case covering a bone.
So much no here.

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Oh yeah. They love birthdays and Christmas.
2006. The thing to be aware of here, is the dog can break off a front tooth (long). Happened to us and it was a lot of money to remove the tooth. Be careful when letting your dog open presents. Don't let them rip into the hard plastic case covering a bone.

Great vids
Dogs love the beach