I have a very serious question : Is Kura Normal?

Kurayami said:
Geck0, how is Australialand today?

Fucking perfect winter day here Mate - about 25C and not a cloud.
I just bought a whole rump for $23.50 (10.3lbs of steak) so later I will cut me a 2 inch thick steak and bbq it.

Geck0 said:
Fucking perfect winter day here Mate - about 25C and not a cloud.
I just bought a whole rump for $23.50 (10.3lbs of steak) so later I will cut me a 2 inch thick steak and bbq it.

It has been raining here for a week and will rain for at least another 10 days.

My grill is broken, too.
Have you been attacked by any deadly spiders this year yet?

Because the deadly spiders are the one big drawback about Australia for me.
Only a couple of smallish huntsman spiders so far - both lost in a quick 2

Here's one of the victims attempting to flee the spray of death:

See, when I see things like that, I want to nuke Australia just to ensure that they can never evolve and wind up at my house. Australia has weird shit, man. I don't want to deal with spiders with wings that can fly across the ocean someday.

But then I see things like this


And decide that I love Australia.