I am fed up with Norton A/V.. Suggest a new A/V for me <3

T-Funk said:
dont use one and play safe.. simple

Exactly. I've had anti-virus installed way in the past, but never actually had it running constantly. After a few years of doing checks every couple of months and never finding a thing, I ditched any sort of anti-virus completely. Unless you're an idiot downloading and executing everything you find/get emailed, I don't really see a huge need for anti-virus.
good to know..

we gotta hook up sometime soon steve.. Im off to LA, San Fran, and Vegas until the start of September.. but Im always downtown at school so we should light a doob or something :)
OriGiNaL said:
good to know..

we gotta hook up sometime soon steve.. Im off to LA, San Fran, and Vegas until the start of September.. but Im always downtown at school so we should light a doob or something :)

nice! im totally jealous

i should be around this week if you wanna hook up- i might try to make it down to Wakestock on thursday - there's a huge street party at John & Adelaide and the Reef Bikini girls should be there ;)

if you're gonna be downtown on thursday we should meetup, smoke a fatty and head down to the street party :)
Groove said:
viruses (virii?)
It should properly be 'virii', but I am in the habit of using 'viruses'. This is because there is a policy around here that we use 'viruses' to distance ourselves from the virus writer known as Virii. Lame policy, but it explains my usage. Eh. Whatever.
Groove said:
Also, their 'GOLD' support which i would expect to be good for the thousands of dollars my customers spend on their product, sucks balls and the wait-time on hold before you talk to someone is sometimes 2 hours +
Sorry. Call back right now. I promise to answer the phone right away this time. :shrug:

Groove said:
a trojan ran right through fully updated SAV10 and totally fucked my system. SAV10 found it but didn't stop it in time for it to do its damage.
You need to change the default settings of course (something I do on every installation) and set the auto protect options for the spyware to delete/quarantine.

By default Symantec leave it at "leave alone" because of possible litigation from spyware suppliers under the guise of legitimate software for marketing purposes. Its happened before.

If you change that default option, it doesnt let anything through at all. Just like all software, if you dont know how to operate it, it will never work for you.
Blotter said:
i havent had any viruses/spyware/adware since installing AVG and i didnt have to steal or buy anything.

i think that is just related to surfing habits.
I agree completely, however my surfing habits include crack sites etc so I am regularly faced with the nasties.

The office "Virus" computer (the one used to scan infected HDD's from customers) has had a myriad of programs on it, the only one that has worked flawlessly to remove all infections, including the "stubs" that do the initial download is SAV10CE. Naturally being work, its licensed. My home one is also licensed since work supplied my home computer, its technically owned by the office and hence the office license covers my home install.

I only suggested to people to "buy" at the "shop" because they may not have access to a licensed copy.
Kiint said:
I agree completely, however my surfing habits include crack sites etc so I am regularly faced with the nasties.

The office "Virus" computer (the one used to scan infected HDD's from customers) has had a myriad of programs on it, the only one that has worked flawlessly to remove all infections, including the "stubs" that do the initial download is SAV10CE. Naturally being work, its licensed. My home one is also licensed since work supplied my home computer, its technically owned by the office and hence the office license covers my home install.

I only suggested to people to "buy" at the "shop" because they may not have access to a licensed copy.

SAV10CE is good stuff. But, if someone doesnt frequent the "store" or doesnt know where the "store" is, or doesnt have the money for it, AVG free is the way to go.
Any opinions on the zone labs scanner/spyware removal product? I'm very happy with their firewall, and thinking of buying it, but they also have other bundles that include spyware removal and virus scanners. Does anyone have any opinion on these products?
Kiint said:
You need to change the default settings of course (something I do on every installation) and set the auto protect options for the spyware to delete/quarantine.

By default Symantec leave it at "leave alone" because of possible litigation from spyware suppliers under the guise of legitimate software for marketing purposes. Its happened before.

If you change that default option, it doesnt let anything through at all. Just like all software, if you dont know how to operate it, it will never work for you.

actually it was set that way, it was just that this particular virus seemed to deliver its payload before SAV10 did anything about it, or SAV10 detected it as a different virus and didn't deal with it correctly- i've had it properly stop countless virii before this, but one particular virus got right through.

I've seen it before with the SAV CE lines of products, and i'm sure it'll happen again.

oh yea and Zear, no offense, i'm sure you're plenty competent, but i probably spent 30 hours waiting on hold (and another 20 talking to techs) for Gold support last year, and they never resolved my problem- couldn't install SAV9CE on 3 out of 50 computers- different errors on each, ran a million uninstallers and cleaners- their last suggestion was to format the boxes fresh (yea thats a great solution).
Groove said:
oh yea and Zear, no offense, i'm sure you're plenty competent, but i probably spent 30 hours waiting on hold (and another 20 talking to techs) for Gold support last year, and they never resolved my problem- couldn't install SAV9CE on 3 out of 50 computers- different errors on each, ran a million uninstallers and cleaners- their last suggestion was to format the boxes fresh (yea thats a great solution).
None taken. You should try being on this end of one of those calls. The reality is that no matter how good you are at troubleshooting this crap, there will always be situations where the real problem is so rediculously obscured that you end up being stumped. Which sucks when you are support. I hate those. We just do our best and hope management will decide to hire more of us to shorten the wait times. Sorry to hear you got the short stick there. :)

In the end, use what works best for you. I try not to be a Symantec fanboy.
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I tried Avast, but it constantly chugged away at my hard drive. Having a laptop, I didn't think that was a good thing. AVG is fine, but being careful with what you download is even better.

There are websites where you can upload files, and they scan them with twenty or so different virus engines. If you're suspicious about a file, you can't go wrong with that.

I've been running it for years, on several computers, and none have ever been infected with a virus. I wholeheartedly endorse this wonderfully free product. :D
Error|550 said:
They all suck to one extent or another so take the free one. "Avast" has a pretty good engine and they modify their definitions set very regularly so there you go.

I use to be a big advocate of AVG but have since switched to Avast (2 years ago) and it's by far the best A/V I have used. I wouldn't touch McAffee with a 10 foot pool nor Norton.

Everything it offers works like it's supposed too. Regular A/V scan, e-mail scan, network shield, I.M. scan, Standard shield, etc. The home version is free and it rocks. I believe I will eventually lay down dough for the pro version. No shame in paying for something that's worth it.
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