I am absolutely in favor of a response for the use of chemical weapons.

lol assad already admitted he had them today meber

your shit is old news

And that changes what happened in Iraq (that you two cunts cried a decade each about) how exactly?

Ah.....that's right. It doesn't. Which makes the irony of your criticism and constant contradictions all the more hilarious.
You are the boys trying to use decade or older material.

Waste of time since it fails relevancy in all cases so far except in those mentally challenged noggins of yours.

We have lowered expectations of you and you still can't meet them....sigh...

wait I know, put up a post count list quick, that'll fucking put me in my place. :lol: :lol: :lol:

You will still be stupid and wrong though.
Obama great Bush bad.
Syria awesome Iraq sad.

Go figure this only the Arc de Triomphe of Dealytarded and ICPedo's idiocy after Obama extended the PA, NSA, TSA/DHS, created the NDAA, and has kept Guitmo going strong.

It's almost like you guys celebrate the very things you used to pretend so adamently to be against. Oh, wait, nevermind, that is exactly what has happened in here.

Bush in Iraq: Attacked an evil regime isolated for over a decade by both Democrats and Republicans.

Obama in Syria: Wants to attack an evil regime coddled for six years by Democrats and the White House.

Bush in Iraq: Attacked after UN inspectors turned away, in violation of Security Council resolutions.

Obama in Syria: Announced plans to attack before any inspections, and in fact opposed UN inspections.

Bush in Iraq: Attacked after UN Security Council deadlocked on authorization for use of force.

Obama in Syria: Has not attempted to obtain UN Security Council authorization for use of force.

Bush in Iraq: Attacked after building multinational "coalition of the willing" with Britain.

Obama in Syria: Plans to attack without multinational coalition and after British rejection of war.

Bush in Iraq: Sought authorization from Congress first, before going to UN or planning any attack.

Obama in Syria: Opposed authorization from Congress until "red line" & attack were already announced.

Bush in Iraq: Attacked Iraq as part of War on Terror against Al Qaeda and affiliated groups.

Obama in Syria: Says "War on Terror" is over, is arming Islamist groups allied with Al Qaeda.

Bush in Iraq: Clear objectives, including regime change to replace dictatorship with democracy.

Obama in Syria: No clear objectives, formal opposition to any direct effort at regime change.

I might have been excessively nice comparing the two at this point. :lol:

Bush was a god awful shithead and I'm still not sure exactly what word is fitting for the asshole you two so desperately coddle up towards yet. When you two spit his dick out maybe you can give me some suggestions.
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tele, it's more than you got, you've had a lot of nothing now for 2 days except a really great meltdown last night that continued into this morning.

2 terms... and it's all due to the clown car currently known as the republican party.
Nothing says smart like doubling down on stupid....be it with shit Presidents or another unjust war for WMD.

Two terms yall!!!

Brought to you by the folks who thought going into Pakistan to kill Bin Laden was akin to invading Iraq...

We saw how that one turned out, total pwnage on an epic scale.

Say the d00d with 800 posts in each of eight different thread. All of which he had his ass handed to him in......as he pumps out mindless essay after essay vigorously sucking this administrations dick, while professing to be an independently minded conservative, and anything but an Obama man.


Dumbest mother fucker on internet........with Dealytarded trying to troll for second hand jizm.
Brought to you by the folks who thought going into Pakistan to kill Bin Laden was akin to invading Iraq...

We saw how that one turned out, total pwnage on an epic scale.

Was that before or after you and your code pink, anti-war, crowd celebrated all that drone bombing your CiC has been doing in our name?


Your homeboy a shitty shot. Maybe he should flip the drone over sideways.

post selfie, claim victory, thats all you can come back with meber?

You've heard of chicken hawk republicans right? What we have here is a chicken little republican, the sky is falling unless a republican is in office.
Here's the real icing on all the fucked up republican clown car.

By most accounts the republican party should have been in full controll of our government by now. Presidency and both halves of congress... but because they have their heads place so fucking far up their proverbial ass they can't see or breath anything but complete shit they snatched defeat from victory by letting the religious right and the tea party dictate their candidates.

Stupidiest fucking tihng they could have done, assholes deserve any fucking that comes their way.

You fucking clueless, stupid, racist dung eating waste of flesh ...that is your legacy.

You turned the republican party into a steaming pile of shit losers because that is exactly what you are.

There that'll have to suffice for my meltdown.

Eat shit and fucking die already. let what's left of the sane republicans resurrect the party.
post selfie, claim victory, thats all you can come back with meber?

You've heard of chicken hawk republicans right? What we have here is a chicken little republican, the sky is falling unless a republican is in office.

Whatever it takes for you to sleep at night knowing that you provably stand for nothing. That you have less convictions than John Kerry and Mitt Romney combined. That you sell out not for money, not for power, but for free......because you think you are a member of a team that is throwing you and the rest of the American public directly under the bus.

Political whores I get........Stupid statist sluts who give it away for free and can't even get a cab ride home I just pity. I'd ask if you have ever stood for anything at all......but Obama might be the only thing that can come to your mind
post selfie, claim victory, thats all you can come back with meber?

You've heard of chicken hawk republicans right? What we have here is a chicken little republican, the sky is falling unless a republican is in office.

thats equally as bad as someone who would deny the sky was falling (even if it was) just because a democrat was on office.

sigh. you idiots are polar opposites and equally as bad.
Here's the real icing on all the fucked up republican clown car.

By most accounts the republican party should have been in full controll of our government by now. Presidency and both halves of congress... but because they have their heads place so fucking far up their proverbial ass they can't see or breath anything but complete shit they snatched defeat from victory by letting the religious right and the tea party dictate their candidates.

Stupidiest fucking tihng they could have done, assholes deserve any fucking that comes their way.

You fucking clueless, stupid, racist dung eating waste of flesh ...that is your legacy.

You turned the republican party into a steaming pile of shit losers because that is exactly what you are.

There that'll have to suffice for my meltdown.

Eat shit and fucking die already. let what's left of the sane republicans resurrect the party.

Hates tea party, hates Republicans.........

But foaming at taint to support war effort that both John McCain and Mittens Romney are adamant advocates for (along with obama).

For a rational minded person that might give them hesitation about their criticisms and their beliefs......because they could have just voted Republican and had the same exact outcome.

This is what we call derping on a level unprecedented on the internet. The kind that only mindless morons who get their beliefs directly from dailykos and whitehouse.gov could begin to constantly overlook.