[Huge failure] Open Call 3 [Why?]

nah man there is no way any good looking woman would ever find a small asian man-child like me attractive. I thought about ending it all, but at least I got this forum and a 13 year old game to keep me going.
Again, I wish someone would marry me, but you're right, I'm not attractive. I'm an under developed asian man-boy that would probably find more intimate relationships in the Thailand sex slave trade.

If only someone would find me attractive I wouldn't have to cling to a 13 year old game and a dying forum about that game. Maybe one day...yeah I'll hold on to that thought so i don't kill myself.

Thanks two good at tribes
i would imagine it just too late to introduce new maps.
Though I would think the players that still play, would enjoy something new.

I just looked at the maps to see what was created, and the maps were pretty cool (though i was sad they were all LT maps, but i guess that's all that's played)