Hopefully this resume, my drive and charisma get me the job of my dreams..

akuma, i just hope you know that you are slowly but assuredly becoming 'the man'

and i don't mean that in a good way :p
I just read the resume. Having gone through the process of interviewing for a sales position, I don't think the resume will get him through the door.

None of that computer shit matters when it comes to qualifying for a sales position. It shows that you MIGHT have a reasonable background with hardware.

If you are fortunate enough to get in the door with that resume, they will light up your ass with questions. They will probably focus on your "experience" with the business. You better be prepared to answer questions on that topic. They don't hire just anybody for a national-account type position, especially when you are going to be dealing with operations managers and high-level selling.

If I were you and wanted to get into sales, I'd build my resume by taking a few low-level sales jobs, like selling computers for gateway or selling cars. Try it for 6 months and see if you have what it takes to make sales. Believing that you have the ability and actually making sales are two totally different things.
maybe you need to reread the thread

i am THROUGH the door.. she wants a technical resume so i can help teach/learn the newer palm phones and such and networking with these devices.
You better write something along the lines of 'Work experience equivalent to a 4 year B.S. degree' even though we all know that is clearly false. Because H.R. people dont give a shit about your achievements but they do have the power to reject you based solely on not having a degree. Also they will want to check some contacts so you better be able to cough up some digits to people who will corroborate that piece of fiction.
what the hell dont you people understand..

They want to hire me regardless of my schooling and such.
booty said:
You better write something along the lines of 'Work experience equivalent to a 4 year B.S. degree' even though we all know that is clearly false. Because H.R. people dont give a shit about your achievements but they do have the power to reject you based solely on not having a degree. Also they will want to check some contacts so you better be able to cough up some digits to people who will corroborate that piece of fiction.
BS degree is correct. Akuma has more experience in BS than anyone else I know.
booty said:
You better write something along the lines of 'Work experience equivalent to a 4 year B.S. degree' even though we all know that is clearly false. Because H.R. people dont give a shit about your achievements but they do have the power to reject you based solely on not having a degree. Also they will want to check some contacts so you better be able to cough up some digits to people who will corroborate that piece of fiction.

piece of fiction? Im fully ready to have them contact my boss.

I cant wait for it.
What you dont understand is it does not matter if someone wants to hire you. If HR rejects you you are rejected. I interviewed a guy who i totally wanted to hire but he lied on his resume and H.R. withdrew his offer and put him on some list so that the whole company would never interview him again.
Zombee said:
BS degree is correct. Akuma has more experience in BS than anyone else I know.

Guess what? i can bs all i want.. it gets me where i need to go...

once i get an 80k job that puts me in an 80k bracket... 2 years later i shoot for a jon thats 80k minium and move on from there.

thats how you do it.
AkumA said:
Guess what? i can bs all i want.. it gets me where i need to go...

once i get an 80k job that puts me in an 80k bracket... 2 years later i shoot for a jon thats 80k minium and move on from there.

thats how you do it.
At that point you start giving me money and hire me for a $150K job as penance.
booty said:
What you dont understand is it does not matter if someone wants to hire you. If HR rejects you you are rejected. I interviewed a guy who i totally wanted to hire but he lied on his resume and H.R. withdrew his offer and put him on some list so that the whole company would never interview him again.

Only lie on my resume is that i worked for z2solutions. I started the company. I cant put that because that shows a conflict or interest.
This baffles me. I'm suprised they are going to hire you without any sort of REAL sales experience or interview with their sales department. To me, it doesn't look like you've proven yourself in a sales position. It seems like a bad move on their part. Ah well, the situation will correct itself eventually.
I'm just going to be honest and say you will not get the job, and if by chance you do you'll be terminated abruptly. I'm not trying to be insulting, discouraging, or mean, but you live in false realities that you are not in aware of and i'm afraid most people see this. You don't really know what is going on.. kind of like the Matrix but you have no super powers and there is no pill that could possibly save you.

AkumA said:
I started the company. I cant put that because that shows a conflict or interest.

Conflict of interest? not at all, if you put that you started the company it shows you are motivated and shit. So long as you can describe what the company did.
AkumA said:
Guess what? i can bs all i want.. it gets me where i need to go...

once i get an 80k job that puts me in an 80k bracket... 2 years later i shoot for a jon thats 80k minium and move on from there.

thats how you do it.
Ah thanks for the tip. gl with that.