[Honorable Discharge] Im fucking out

oh come on man, you're going to pick this thread to shit on?

HI! YANKEE :D and to all you guys that did your time and got out, might be cynical now but fuk ya :) did your time, thats how I see it

P.S. its in TW blood to post shit in others shit so they can get shit on.. Monkey Shit Fling Syndrome
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Rochester sucks. Only good thing about that place is Murphy's Law and cheap AHL hockey.

I go up there for work a few times a year, just got back last week actually.

Welcome back to civilian life.
354 days left here, not that im counting. Was fun up until the 4 year mark, but im done. Just gotta wait out these extra 2 year that i foolishly signed up for.
I'm confused... you can still access the internet while you're in the Navy you know..

4 1/2 in so far for me... I'm an IT though... so I don't do shit.
Man im fuckin pissed i didn't go into the AF at 18, wanted to get into COM. but id probably have no social life whatsoever. and i wouldn't have ever joined this band im in. or get a head start on my education
It was an Im out thread.. not a hey im still in ;X

Well I mean maybe I might want to pick it up, there's definitely things I would have done differently at the start when we picked up Legends.

I wanted to get the GI Bill in before someone realized that it was a fucking insane benefit. Housing at E5 + Dependents, I want to go to RIT or UoR and its all paid for.
I hated the AF when I was in it, but looking back I kind of miss the people

Draconix - yeah, the benefits are ridiculous right now. I've been investing a lot of the extra money because I frankly have more than I need right now