[HION] vice video edition

She looks really happy

valid point, but it can be said she's simply doing it wrong

Charlie Sheen's not exactly an unhappy person, it would seem

and I don't think many rock stars ever overdosed on a full bottle of depression
as an educational experience: hypothetical hit.

I'm not above self-improvement, and I don't doubt I could learn a shitload from her.

So I get better, I gets da hot bitchez off and exploding, who tell all their hot friendz, who also want to have mad sexorz with me, and all the hot wimminz be all up in my shit wanting that sweet, sweet lovin'.

So.. consider it an investment. Sure, it might be a little painful at first, but the payback.... that's where it's at.
she looks like a baser, another terrible hion

Here's a rule of thumb: if no one in their right mind would fuck someone, they're not qualified to be the focus of a hion

I completely disagree. not about her hit-worthiness, but I love to hear people who are not in their right mind's reasoning behind certain HIONs...
wtf can you blame her

if I had a hojillion dollars I'd probably do drugs, fuck hookers, drink and eat whatever the shit I wanted 24/7

isn't that the goal of becoming rich, to be able to do whatever you want, whenever you want, so long as it makes you happy?

plenty of people in the world who have as much money as her are also degenerate human beings. you just don't hear about it because they didn't earn that money in the public spotlight. this rich whore has no responsibility to make you happy, truth be told she's got so much money she couldn't give a shit what you or every single one of your virgin friends thinks

that's living the dream

she's probably got enough money that even being chubby and gross she could still afford to pay smarter, more interesting, better looking dudes than you to fuck her every single night for the rest of her life

Sounds like the beginnings of an excuse in the making there :)

Something you want to get off your chest ol chubby boy?
post pics pls
her in younger days
