[HION] vice video edition

I don't understand.

HION = hit it or not. Hit, of course, is a euphemism for "I would have sexual intercourse with the subject of discussion."

In this video, a somewhat older lady discusses sex, porn, and other subjects. She is definitely still sexually active and seems experienced, as well. So there's a dilemma of sorts for us TW readers - she's reasonably attractive for her age and obviously experienced and would likely be a responsive and effective sexual partner, but is her aged body a deterrent? And for whom is it a deterrent (or a turn-on)?

Is that more clear?

HION = hit it or not. Hit, of course, is a euphemism for "I would have sexual intercourse with the subject of discussion."

In this video, a somewhat older lady discusses sex, porn, and other subjects. She is definitely still sexually active and seems experienced, as well. So there's a dilemma of sorts for us TW readers - she's reasonably attractive for her age and obviously experienced and would likely be a responsive and effective sexual partner, but is her aged body a deterrent? And for whom is it a deterrent (or a turn-on)?

Is that more clear?

I know what Hit it or Not means.

I just don't understand why it was asked in this case.

Anyone who would hit that obviously doesn't have a lot of options which means that there is no real choice or decision making involved.

It is sort of the reverse of posting a super model in a HION thread.
what he's saying is this a stupid thread

it's like, here's an ugly disgusting woman, HION

waste of time

HION threads, the good ones at least, involve something so borderline, something so on the fence, sometimes specifically involving an atypical trait or feature, to make somebody think in their own mind.. would.. I? the best or key part of a successful HION thread is not the replies but the inner dialogue inherent

this thread sucks
wtf can you blame her

if I had a hojillion dollars I'd probably do drugs, fuck hookers, drink and eat whatever the shit I wanted 24/7

isn't that the goal of becoming rich, to be able to do whatever you want, whenever you want, so long as it makes you happy?

plenty of people in the world who have as much money as her are also degenerate human beings. you just don't hear about it because they didn't earn that money in the public spotlight. this rich whore has no responsibility to make you happy, truth be told she's got so much money she couldn't give a shit what you or every single one of your virgin friends thinks

that's living the dream

she's probably got enough money that even being chubby and gross she could still afford to pay smarter, more interesting, better looking dudes than you to fuck her every single night for the rest of her life