HION - I let her slob my nob

Blitz is so awesome. Especially saying "I can't believe TW would fuck with meIRL " when his main claim to fame is TW fucking with him IRL.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
She doesn't like drama though.

"has hundreds of stalkers now...wow.Mood: amused. amused.
8 minutes ago"

Read more: ?°°???tí??y c???yc?k????°°? | MySpace
She doesn't need to reproduce, ever. It's always great to see younger people with kids that demand to be treated as an adult when they still are infatuated with hello kitty and probably spend more money on hair products/dyes than anything for their child.

Also lol@ blogging on myspace:
i'm finally admitting to it, the honest to GOD truth i guess you would say...

i have this issue, this need to look at pictures/profiles of really ugly/gross/jacked up looking girls who think they are the hottest shit...& look at them in pitty...& it makes me feel better about myself...that when i'm not feeling that pretty/confident that day, that it could always be worse...i could look OLD as shit at a young age, i could be really FAT & have a lumpy/fucked up looking body...so i need to really just take a step back & see how fortunate i am.

you might think this is really messed up, lol, it sounds like it, but mostly men are the only ones who wont understand how us girls work...we like to compare ourselves alot to other women, sometimes prettier ones, MAINLY less attractive ones...MEN & society put SO much pressure on us to be perfection that we never seem to feel like we are good enough. so yea...that's been my therapy. i've had many pathetic haters over the years that have talked SO much shit about me, & i use to let it get to me BAD...a big reason was because of my past, when i was a in middle school & looked WAY different than i do now & got teased BAD...but now, it's taken me forever to finally realize/accept...when people hate so hard & talk so much shit...it's that ugly JEALOUSY monster. i really love & accept myself now & no one is going to change that...i have too many people stare/hit on me when i'm out & about, too many photographers wanting to do photoshoots w/ me n shit for me to think otherwise...if i was so ugly & so WHATEVER, that wouldn't happen to me, cmon now haters, lets quit lying to ourselves.

but i think now, i need to find some other method for my therapy, because when you give some people TOO much attention, they start to think other inaccurate things...i'm sorry, i don't care about your life, i don't think you look better than me, i DO not twiddle my hands & feet w/ some sick need to know everything that happens to you or your thoughts n shit...i just so happen to think you are really ugly & nasty, & you should be thankful to have captured ANY of my attention...even tho it's in a negative way :p

now people don't think i'm a evil bitch & i just look at any jacked up girl's pictures/profile that could be a good person w/ a good heart...i take joy in looking at the ones who are rude/nasty inside & out/jealous/shit talkers...who think SO highly of themselves & think they are fucking princesses...that seriously...they really don't need to, lol, they are totally lying to themselves. this is the TRUTH, i'm NO liar...this is REALLY why i do what i do...i guess you can think whatever you want, whatever helps you sleep at night...most people can't accept REAL talk.

i totally had to clear the air...admit to this silly problem i have, we all have them...& let "people" know facts, cuz their heads were getting a little too swole(& it wasn't just from the fat.)..."if i look at ya, i'm not fascinated w/ ya, i just so happen to think you are really REALLY ugly & nasty ;) & it's amusing on how you think you are complete perfection & can't see it any other way when you are making everyone who has the misfortune to look at you vomit in their mouths" ...haha!!

& you know what else is pathetic, yet hilarious!? people who make such big TALK on stalkers/stalking are the biggest stalkers of them all, lmfao!! apparently, even if people HAVE jobs...they still have no life ;)

shame on me, bad tiff tiff...i just tell it how it is ♥
i get seizures for real (for reals no joke)

her page gave me a seizure

i am suing and my doctor will back me up (his name is trop and he is a doctor)
fuck, i think i missed something. Did she do something to get everyone here pissed at her or is this just a little 'i'll take my frustrations with all females out on this internet girl' nerd thing?

I thought blitz was the hate target here but some people are raging now.
Yeah, whenever I see someone post how their kids are first and all that shit I can't help thinking they are just trying to fool themselves because they probably don't put their kids first like they should.
Yeah, whenever I see someone post how their kids are first and all that shit I can't help thinking they are just trying to fool themselves because they probably don't put their kids first like they should.


god damn the only think listening to a single mom go on about her kid is a single dad