Highest sustained speed in T:V?

I got 335 on a particularly good ski around Isle

The highest sustained speed that I can hit fairly consistently on a route is around 279
Amadeu5 said:
Originally Posted by TF_Pitfal
I got 22000+ last night some how, I have no clue how. I didnt get a SS of it cause I didnt know that it was quick. Guess you will just have to take my word for it.

We wouldn't believe you even if you had screenshots.

Well, I got it to happen again.

I can't play online, so I've just practiced skiing offline. The most I've managed is just 176 on Isle. I couldn't tell you what I'm doing wrong. I start out at one side of the map and can't gain more than that speed before hitting the other side of the map.
My record so far is 252 btw.

And I suggest you try Winterlake. Light armor + catapult + epack boost + disc jump = face ripping fast.
I've seen many ridiculous numbers, I don't know how they arise though

I can hit about 270 on one winterlake route consistently, probably a little more if I activate the epack (usually save that for the return).

The highest that I've hit legitamatelly was about 330 being buckler blocked and shooting backwards.

I imagine anything much over 300 is buckler related, I don't think its possible to hit that type of speed in a light without it. Maybe its possible as a heavy tho.
After doing some testing on Isle with disk-pad jumping, I found the most speed I could get without flying into something or just running out of room on the map was about 195.
i hit 298 once... i want to break 300 without a buckler block or falling through the map (i fell through on emerald and hit something in the 9000's)

Plauge, if you want to get a high speed just for the sake of seeing the number, get an e-pack on isle, hit a catapault right next to the second blood eagle spawn point, and jet straight up till you run out of energy. Float forward (towards opponents flag) and you'll hit a nearly vertical hill perfectly, which just manages not to kill you in light armor. Very fast, and very useful for shooting into imperial base at 250+. Too bad you generally have about 20 health left...
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I can get over 200 on isle but that is about it. I usually stick to ld though. Maybe those really high speeds are related to vehicle explosions and errors.
lol, i've seen 50,168. Telling the truth
But all over 1,000 are commonly speed hacks
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