Here's some information about our lord and savior Bernie Sanders

Hey man I have a job, and my degree is in real history
NASA out sourced gas trips to iss
America built the highway infrastructure, then outsourced gas stations and transport to commercial companies
America is mostly building infrastructure for space and doing the same for commercial enterprises
Less government more private jobs, isn't that the conservative motto

Government does big r&d that private cant or won't stomach
Multi decade work.
I can't believe people buy into this bullshit, then I remember Bush and Obama both got re-elected.
Bernie Sanders Responds To WSJ Claim His New Social Programs Would Cost $18 Trillion: "Over Exaggerated" | Video | RealClearPolitics

Sanders responds to the wsj article

MITCHELL: Now, today's "Wall Street Journal" itemizes what they say would be the price tag of what you are proposing, the social programs.

$18 trillion over ten years.

Is that sustainable given the economy, given where the budget is and the deadlock in Congress?

SANDERS: Andrea, that is not the reality.

We will be responding to "The Wall Street Journal" on that.

I think most of the expense that they put in there, the expenditures have to do with the single payer health care system. They significantly exaggerated the cost of that and they forgot to tell the American people in that article that that means eliminating the costs that you incur with private health insurance.

The truth of the matter is right now, as a nation, we spend far, far more on health care per person than do the people of any other nation and yet we continue to have about 30 million people who have no health insurance, many more who are underinsured and we pay, again, by far the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs.

No question to my mind that moving toward a Medicare for all single payer program is the most cost-effective way to provide health care to all of our people.
I see the argument for laws and inserting the state when Bill Gates starts showing up and buying children and eating them and so on.

But the size of my slice of pie is not impacted in any way by the size of Bill Gates slice, no matter how big his slice grows. In fact, in my line of work, quite the opposite. His slice of pie has created all sorts of opportunities for me.

I see no evidence of a singular 'The Wealth.' There is no Pareto inefficient side effect, one made less by another's gain, that is attributable to the amount of wealth anyone has earned or created.

The real problem facing this country, and the major issue with wealth inequality is not that some create too much, but that others create too little.

Unless you are Bill Gates' financial adviser, I really doubt you're getting richer because he is.

There's an inverse relationship between a corporate executive's compensation and his emmployees' compensation. That is to say, when employees get paid better, the executives/shareholders make less money. The reverse is also true. So yes, it is absolutely a business' fault if median wage income is falling.

Also, I don't agree that pareto efficiency is the best indication of a nation's well being. While it's certainly pertinent for economic growth, it doesn't ensure that the workers get a lifestyle that is socially optimal.

Consider these scenarios. Would you rather be born into a random family in country:

A. Top 50% make $50,000 a year, bottom 50% make $50,000 a year
B. Top 50% make $70,000 a year, bottom 50% make $40,000 a year
C. Top 50% make $90,000 a year, bottom 50% make $30,000 a year
D. Top 50% make $110,000 a year, bottom 50% make $20,000 a year
E. Top 50% make $130,000 a year, bottom 50% make $10,000 a year

As you undoubtedly noticed, country E is optimal from an economic standpoint. But most people do not prefer to live in country E. People have differing opinions on what's socially optimal. Bernie Sanders just thinks that the US (which is closest to C or D) should look more like country B.


lol lol


lol lol lol
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Nah I'll take my queues from Scandinavia countries since that's the kind of democratic socialist he is
All of this is so much pitter-patter. The man has no chance of winning the nomination, much less the presidency.
He beats the Hell out of Hillary
Who else do we have

Crazy Uncle Joe when he decides to run, which will probably be as late as possible.

You also have the guy the put taxes and fees on everything, O'Malley.....Some other old guy named Chaffee....... and a somewhat sane guy named Jim Webb.