Here's some information about our lord and savior Bernie Sanders

we haven't occupied syria, they gave up declared WMD to be destroyed willingly, and a coalition of multiple world powers are using the united nations to bring more military power to bear on the region in a textbook example of progressive international politics instead of the go-it-alone jackass attitude that got us into this mess

plus russia is clown showing the whole time

just brutal
Just won't stay down will you? What's with the self immolation bro? Grant me a Christmas wish? Stay the fuk down, shut the fuk up and start doing some independent research.

Graciously, Capt. Tele has provided all the links you need to obtain a grip on geopolitical realities. I understand that you won't thank him for taking his time, providing some well researched, authoritative links. He's done all the leg work, all you need to do is READ. One day you'll find you are a doofus no longer! :sunny:
are we ready to admit that in retrospect saddam hussein really wasn't that bad of a guy, we shouldn't have invaded his country or hanged him, and 10 years of low-intensity no-fly zone enforcement that no one paid any attention to (except leftist kooks) wasn't really that bad?
I don't have to admit anything, since I knew he was what that country needed. As for that 10 year period, UNRWA says that over 600,000 Iraqi children died due to: the embargo which denied needed medications etc. and the US shock and awe campaign which wiped out things like water treatment plants, electrical generation - much of the civic infrastructure of the entire goddam country!

But damn Saddam wanted to make his own oil bourse, and that won't fly with Wall Street.
Some of the fathers of those 600,000 children will be seeking revenge. They won't attack military targets, but they will attack soft targets (you).

So after 100 years of fucking around they're countries, some have become "militants" (what a shocker rite) and will be seeking revenge.

Can you blame them?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.”
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The fighting in the middle East has nothing to do with democracy. It had everything to do with post colonial attempts at statehood.

But you seem quite ignorant of world history and geopolitical theory, so I guess we're done for now.

Merry Christmas.
The fighting in the middle East has nothing to do with democracy.

lol arsin is 14 years late to the geopolitical name game dont mind his nazi sympathizing rants

Arsin u know they throw androgynous stick figures off buildings in the ME, and its not the jews?
are we ready to admit that in retrospect saddam hussein really wasn't that bad of a guy, we shouldn't have invaded his country or hanged him, and 10 years of low-intensity no-fly zone enforcement that no one paid any attention to (except leftist kooks) wasn't really that bad?

all of these tensions were there before and during saddam's rule. his brutal dictatorship just put a lid on things temporarily.

look at syria. same situation and their war started internally without outside intervention. same thing would have happened with time if we left saddam in power. the us invasion just expedited the matter

that being said, the invasion was obviously based on false/horseblinder intelligence & misrepresentation of intelligence and was completely unnecessary.
My guess is we like instability because it enables perpetual war.

This part is certainly true. I think there are more benefits to an unstable middle east than you've acknowledged, however.

First benefit is obviously the companies with contracts with the US military.

But perhaps more importantly, the instability prevents the middle east from exerting its influence militarily in any way.

Think about how the entire West and East united against Iran over nuclear proliferation. Even Russia, who normally sees Iran as an ally, stood against them when it came to nuclear power.

This is because Islam is viewed as, and always has been viewed as, a mortal enemy to the rest of the modernized world both ideologically and militarily.
... look at syria. same situation and their war started internally without outside intervention. same thing would have happened with time if we left saddam in power. the us invasion just expedited the matter

that being said, the invasion was obviously based on false/horseblinder intelligence & misrepresentation of intelligence and was completely unnecessary.
I remember teasing you about being Baby Jew for your pro-Zioland slant. Anyways, don't you think it's rather naïve to suggest that the US didn't know what was going on right from the get go? Further we also know that ISIS got millions of $$$ worth of Humvee's, light artillery and small arms that were lol left behind lol after US forces withdrew from Iraq. I think we can feel comfortable establishing two things:
1. The US always knew what was going on.
2. The US supplied arms right from the get go.

At a trial of a Swedish man it was proved ...
that British intelligence agencies were supporting the same Syrian opposition groups as he was, and were party to a secret operation providing weapons and non-lethal help to the groups, including the Free Syrian Army. ... Henry Blaxland QC, the defence counsel, said: “If it is the case that HM government was actively involved in supporting armed resistance to the Assad regime at a time when the defendant was present in Syria and himself participating in such resistance it would be unconscionable to allow the prosecution to continue.”
Terror trial collapses after fears of deep embarrassment to security services :lol:

The escalation started November 2011 – March 2012

"In December 2011, former counter-terrorism specialist and CIA military intelligence officer Philip Giraldi asserted that already "unmarked NATO warplanes are arriving at Turkish military bases close to..the Syrian border, delivering weapons from the late Muammar Gaddafi’s arsenals as well as volunteers from the Libyan Transitional National Council who are experienced in pitting local volunteers against trained soldiers" and that in addition, " French and British special forces trainers are on the ground, assisting the Syrian rebels while the CIA and U.S. Spec Ops are providing communications equipment and intelligence to assist the rebel cause."

The US was supporting the rebel cause right from the start. I rest my case.
This part is certainly true. I think there are more benefits to an unstable middle east than you've acknowledged, however.

First benefit is obviously the companies with contracts with the US military.

But perhaps more importantly, the instability prevents the middle east from exerting its influence militarily in any way.

Think about how the entire West and East united against Iran over nuclear proliferation. Even Russia, who normally sees Iran as an ally, stood against them when it came to nuclear power.

This is because Islam is viewed as, and always has been viewed as, a mortal enemy to the rest of the modernized world both ideologically and militarily.

It is amazing how inconsistent geopolitical policy can be. How we back Islamic fundamentalists to fight Russia...then have the audacity to pretend to fight Al Queada and ISIS...but not if Russia wants to get involved :lol:

Ship Carrying Over 11 Tons Of Low-Enriched Uranium Leaves Iran For Russia

And apparently vice a versa

Much as with partisan politics back at home...dick drunk dealyderp.. your true intentions must be expressed before your actions and words can or will have meaning
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