help support tw tribes and fsb spy with an upvote

holy shit what a fucking idiot asshole

the game has been free for 10 fucking years, no one has said anything different. prove it's not free, you fucking jack ass!
someguyinahat might want to take the hat off for a while, it's obviously restricting blood flow to his brain.
Originally Posted by somespicinahat
Fileplanet had limited numbers of keys available.
Are you using one of those keys?


thats like the height of sperging

actually goes threw the process of attempting to dl the game just to prove ur wrong about a 10 year video game being free that he knows nothing about

and then u ppl were gonna crtitise me cuz i called him a pedo and threatened to next him

fuck that i am gonna try to next him
Is THAT how you want the Tribes community represented?

He has a point here. Tribes players from back in the day all know that quite a few of us conduct ourselves as massive cuntbags online (to the point that it's a cliché) and have come to accept it, but the uninitiated out there might be put off by such a discovery.