Hamilton lol

Perfect representation of liberal elite -

They can't stop blowing each about how amazing Hamilton is and then having one of it's stars rip on the VP just makes it even more Kardashamazing!!!

Also perfect evidence for people that voted for Trump of what assholes the liberal elite are.

Blacks riot, Muslims set bombs, gays spread AIDS, Mexican cartels behead children, atheists tear down Christmas trees. Meanwhile, those liberal Lena Dunhams in their $5,000-a-month apartments sip wine and say, "But those white Christians are the real problem!" Terror victims scream in the street next to their own severed limbs, and the response from the elites is to cry about how men should be allowed to use women's restrooms and how it's cruel to keep chickens in cages.

agree with everything till the end. it IS cruel to keep chickens in cages. put libtards in cages, and let the chickens run free
It's an interesting point, but it's thrown out the window when so many "rise up against the establishment" movies and plays are already out there- and do nothing to really change the political climate. As I'm sure Trump supporters would agree with, more needs to be done than just sway the public with entertainment. Shakespeare's time is much different than our time.
"Why aren't I 50 points ahead?"

- Not a President

pagy is ur boss paying you for being on TW?
when you get a job outside of the food industry you'll see what life is like out there

*sorry didnt mean to rub that in, seeing as tho you'll never get a job outside of the food service industry
liberal are looking for anything to grasp onto at this point now that their dreams of safe spaces and 99% tax hikes on the wealthy isnt going to happen.

Perhaps Ender's parents will realize that being a "helicopter parent" to a dumb spoiled 30 year old brat isn't the best way to raise their kid.
still with the same old tricks eh pagy?

enlighten me- what does trump even achieve out of 'trolling' as you claim he's doing now?

can you make an argument without taking it personal? c'mon i believe in you rub more than two braincells together! you got this i know you do!
still with the same old tricks eh pagy?

enlighten me- what does trump even achieve out of 'trolling' as you claim he's doing now?
the same thing he achieves every time? he's controlling the narrative as he wishes while making the pathetic lowlife liberals like yourself whine and cry as if youre his personal marionettes.
at the very least it lets the intelligent, working folks out there laugh at how pathetic your existences is.....wah trump wah hamilton
can you make an argument without taking it personal? c'mon i believe in you rub more than two braincells together! you got this i know you do!
youre overestimating how much credit you deserve. you're some loser that fills my coffee in the morning. you don't get a respectful dialogue until you can learn to speak to your betters properly.

until then youre just some sjw child that has no idea how the world works outside of your safespace bubble.
one day i imagine you'll own up to your bullshit. you think every bad thing that happens to someone "on your team" is something due to outside forces- and then turn around and think every bad thing that has happened to every dude not "on your team" is completely made of their doing. you probably look at a stranger on the street and decide based on his face if you look him or not... funny how you think you know me from some shit you've discovered 10 years ago

and no, i'm not a liberal. not as far as trump is a conservative. you'd know that if you kept up and tried to stop sucking that pacifier they got you on.

if you're my better, you're not doing a good job at acting it. :p but please keep the rep train going and the old selfie pic spewwing. i love seeing my adorable mug every time you show up :p