[halp] Playstation 3 & Bluray

I'm having a shit load of fun with bc2. I was weary of playing a fps on the ps3 over the 360, but it's turned out very well for me. I just can't wait to get my px21's so I can chat with the squad during the game.

Regardless, bc2 is a must if you're a fps player.
should i definitely play through GoW 1 and 2 before playing 3? i played through most of 1 but haven't played 2. I suppose I could get the remastered ones?
Yes. They are really great games, and there were actually still fun to play having already played them on PS2. They are also in 60fps, so the game runs really smooth compared to the originals. 3 will be fun no matter what, but no reason not to at least rent the remastered ones.

Pretty much every game mentioned are great games to have. Demon's Souls is another great game if you like a challenge.
I just got a PS3 myself. I got God of War3 and Uncharted. Uncharted is a blast, great story, fun game play and it looks great. I will ge the second one once I finish it. GOW 3 is just brilliant even if I am stuck on some guitar hero type event and it's pissing me off. For my first Bluray I went with The gladiator ...
i use mine to stream video/music from my computer(s) on to my living room tv. only play the odd game and rent the odd blu-ray
I ended up getting Black Hawk Down and Little Big Planet.

LBP has been everything I've wanted it to be and more, even my girlfriend likes it.

Are there any really sweet psn-exclusive downloadable games? I do have an xbox so i've already experience castle crashers etc.

also, psn ID is mzabatta... feel free to add
oh btw i meant to say hot shots golf : out of bounds
i'm pretty sure its actually 5, not 3.

well i'm glad there's other people who play :] we should throw a TW tour sometime. I'm not really good at all, usually +/- 5 lol, but i'd like to play with other people :]
If you liked Kung-Fu Panda, the bluray is spectacular. awesome soundtrack in truehd, and the picture is perfect. also the new star trek.
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awesome... i'll get lbp and maybe GoW 3

what were your first blurays? I figure i'd get something pretty action-y or at least something that would take advantage of the HD sound.

Skip Warner Bros movies as they release shit audio tracks on Bluray since they're still bitter about losing the format war.

In all honesty Toy Story and Toy Story 2 have the best PQ and AQ I've seen/heard yet. Casino Royale is fucking AMAZING on Bluray and so was Fight Club.
In order

(Cod:Vietnam) Nov 2010 cant wait for this

If you want fun with your friends BFBC2 if you want competition MW2 and Single player GoW3 imo
Do a search for PS3 media server (it will also stream to 360s).

I really dig the netflix layout on the PS3
I use mine primarily for the PS3 media server. I played MW2 for a little bit but I don't play many video games these days.