Hall of shame: World Church of the Creator member pictures

i was about to say id hit it

but then i realized i was jewish

well, i guess there's nothing like a good surprise :shrug:
Snapple said:
no u gotta label the thread


then make a gif in photoshop of like the KKK, and other racial shit flashing by... then all of a sudden have a huge ass black cock or some black guy fuckin a whti bitch pop up :D

this MUSt be done
Some of them live in my town appartently (Rosedale, MD - baltimore county). Someone posted a news story from their website, they were supposed to have a meeting at the Rosedale Public Library, which is 5 min from my house, but the library barred them from having it.

I wish I knew where these fucks lived. They'd be in flaming poo bag hell.
Glow said:
I wish I knew where these fucks lived. They'd be in flaming poo bag hell.
Also, if you ever find out where: large garbage can filled with piss, leaned against their front door. Ring doorbell. Run. :wave:
Tribal Imperialist said:



I just signed up on their forums so I could stir some kind of rukkus, awaiting my activation thing via email

I'll post as Beta and the name of the thing will be, WHY I HATE NIGS and inside ill put a huge black cock and say "CUS THEY HAVE A BIGGER PENIS THAN YOU"

someone give me a pic though, i dont wanna do a search for one lmao