Guild Wars 2

Dammit 1teaminlondon, go be a good little TW member and find me where I can buy the overcoat jacket Marcus Wright wore in Terminator Salvation.
I was showing 1team what to look for.

I'm not looking for that shit. I'm playing GW2 closed Beta...
which triber still works there?

I don't want to say it here, if he wanted to be known I'm sure he would post.

But don't fret, he is handling game balance. I could think of no one better.

I am excited for this game and will drop all other games to play this when it's retail.
I don't want to say it here, if he wanted to be known I'm sure he would post.

But don't fret, he is handling game balance. I could think of no one better.

I am excited for this game and will drop all other games to play this when it's retail.
At least we have a connection to pass out some TW love when it's beta time lol. :cheers:
Was thinking about getting together with some of the old GW buddies and tooling around in GW for nostalgia sake. maybe unlock some GW2 content.

Steam had the complete GW1 set on sale for $15. Still pretty easy on the eyes... considering it's age.
which guilds were you in? were you in BE?

BE for a little bit because Dac was the one who hooked me up with a beta key. But I only ran Hall of Heroes with BE for shits and giggles. I spent most of my time playing for IVEX before they became inactive before the first expansion. After that I sorta kicked around a bunch of teams that consisted of mostly the same mix of players that kept breaking up due to drama and ego and reforming under different names. We were never good enough to be considered the top 2 US teams for GWWC but decent enough to hover top 10 on the ladders.

the pve grinding only existed for a few months after the game was out and after that the pvp rewards for just doing pvp was plenty.. and pve could be avoided altogether if you wanted

running gimmicks/flavor of the month things were more for lower skilled groups... a lot of teams knew what was coming and would either bring heavy counters to it or run something that wasn't similar to avoid the counters

Yes, and the only thing that kept me playing was because the teams I played with won most of our games so it was easy for me to unlock all skills; also rolling with smurf teams and farming guilds.

Imagine my disappointment when during GW beta the game which was marketed heavily as a PvP oriented grind-free game became the exact opposite after the release. The hundreds of skills I was able to freely use to PvP with during beta were now all locked and required me to beat the game multiple times to unlock enough skills for me to just play a single class composition fully (monk/whatever). And don't even get me started on hunting obscure bosses in order to "capture" elite skills.

I heard a rumor awhile ago that Anet gives you the option should you chose not to put in the hours to unlock skills either via PvE or GvG you may pay an additional $40 to UAX? Please someone tell me that's not true.

Also, the FoTMs were everywhere. Especially the top tier teams. Some of it was more subtle but the theory that this is currently the best/most unbalanced way to force GvG victories was still there. Drain teams, Victory or Death (split build and/or spirit spam), Warrior assist trains, etc, etc... I could go on.

The meta-games weren't things thought up by and exclusively used by lower ranking teams. Their understanding of GvG and class mechanics are too poor to be able to creatively think of unique unbalanced shit on their own. Low teams mimic what they see top teams doing and they do so with poor results. These teams lose not because they got "countered", it's simply because they're bad.
BE for a little bit because Dac was the one who hooked me up with a beta key. But I only ran Hall of Heroes with BE for shits and giggles. I spent most of my time playing for IVEX before they became inactive before the first expansion. After that I sorta kicked around a bunch of teams that consisted of mostly the same mix of players that kept breaking up due to drama and ego and reforming under different names. We were never good enough to be considered the top 2 US teams for GWWC but decent enough to hover top 10 on the ladders.

ah, you played with me and lulu for a bit then. I was very active during beta, then finished college around release time and my interest waned.

Yes, and the only thing that kept me playing was because the teams I played with won most of our games so it was easy for me to unlock all skills; also rolling with smurf teams and farming guilds.

Imagine my disappointment when during GW beta the game which was marketed heavily as a PvP oriented grind-free game became the exact opposite after the release. The hundreds of skills I was able to freely use to PvP with during beta were now all locked and required me to beat the game multiple times to unlock enough skills for me to just play a single class composition fully (monk/whatever). And don't even get me started on hunting obscure bosses in order to "capture" elite skills.

I think Arenanet learned from their mistake there, sounds like they are going to correct it in GW2 by separating PvP and PvE

Also, the FoTMs were everywhere. Especially the top tier teams. Some of it was more subtle but the theory that this is currently the best/most unbalanced way to force GvG victories was still there. Drain teams, Victory or Death (split build and/or spirit spam), Warrior assist trains, etc, etc... I could go on.

The meta-games weren't things thought up by and exclusively used by lower ranking teams. Their understanding of GvG and class mechanics are too poor to be able to creatively think of unique unbalanced shit on their own. Low teams mimic what they see top teams doing and they do so with poor results. These teams lose not because they got "countered", it's simply because they're bad.

GW1 wasnt perfect, but it was unique and it was a fun game. Figuring out the imbalances was part of the fun early on. I can see how that would be a problem for competition later on, but being creative and understanding the game mechanics well enough to create/counter FoTMs was all part of it. I never played any of the expansions, but I would imagine adding in all those additional classes & skills was messy from a balance standpoint.

I'm sold on the leveling experience. Can't fucking stand linear turn WoW questing has taken with phasing--this looks like it may actually be enjoyable. I love how melee classes can swing right in front of them, and their "target" doesn't matter.

If the 8th class is Mesmer I'm definitely buying this.
I'm most excited about the 3 sided open world pvp. Sounds like a step back in the direction of DAOC, which I'm completely fucking stoked about.

Also, the pvp looks pretty fun in and of itself: