Guild Wars 2

Gotta love a MMO where you don't have to pay to play.

All paid content is purely cosmetic.

Looking forward to this game... more than words can describe.
I remember when I suggested a diamond shaped level progression for Diablo 3. Instead of their being 4 linear acts, there were quest choices that you could choose after completing the act before, so that there were 9 levels.

One of the issues someone brought up about this were that players would be locked out of certain levels until they did the quests, and that multi-play would become problematic, with people wanting to go on to different level acts at the end of the level.

Don't know if this was ever resolved. I think Blizzard never read that stuff anyway, and I gave up on them.

Progressiong would be like:

/ \
0 0
/ \ / \
0 0 0
\ / \ /
0 0
\ /

But this is of course, game theory totally beyond the grasp of any Blizzard or Areanet executive.
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Leveling in GW2 is linear (no curve). After the first few levels (which are pretty fast to earn) the leveling slows to an equal pace. Every level from, lets say 10, (random number), till 80 all take the same amount of time to earn. So you never feel like your leveling slows down.

Also you can sidekick people. If you have a high lvl friend he can sidekick you and if you go into a high lvl area with him, you'll be bumped up to their level (not sure how skills work, doubt it unlocks them for you). Likewise you can go to low lvl areas with your buddies and you'll be bumped down to their level. But since all levels take the same amount of time to earn, you won't be hurting your lvling speed by doing so.

I've been looking forward to GW2 for a long time. I'm hoping it doesn't let me down.
Yeah, what was the deal with taking away the crystaline sword.

And how long did it take Areanet to figure out people were just fight clubbing Hall of Heros?

And why were barrage groups modified at the Hall of Kings?

Why are all the buildings in Kaening City ridiculously tall?

All good questions that were executive, i'm sure.
All those "innovative" things you said have been done in Guild Wars 1. I played GW beta + GW1 + first expansion with one of the top American Guild vs Guild teams. Originally it was fun when no one knew what they were doing. Then it became full of gimmicks that were constantly changed/nerfed around different evolving meta-games that were unbalanced and a pain in the ass to play against. And with each expansion, the PvP became more and more convoluted and unstable. And the PvE portion was also a linear grindfest so you could unlock new skills for your characters.

Don't expect much from GW2.
All those "innovative" things you said have been done in Guild Wars 1. I played GW beta + GW1 + first expansion with one of the top American Guild vs Guild teams. Originally it was fun when no one knew what they were doing. Then it became full of gimmicks that were constantly changed/nerfed around different evolving meta-games that were unbalanced and a pain in the ass to play against. And with each expansion, the PvP became more and more convoluted and unstable. And the PvE portion was also a linear grindfest so you could unlock new skills for your characters.

Don't expect much from GW2.
Sounds like you haven't read a thing about GW2 and are just bashing it for the sake of it. :shrug:

PvP is being disconnected from PvE this time around. It was hard to balance PvE/PvP before because of all the possible class combinations and all the skills that came with it (a buff/nerf to PvP affected PvE much more and vice versa).

Now that there are only a few classes, and PvE/PvP skills are seperate, PvE/PvP will be much better off.
Guild Wars is about as close to an MMO as Diablo is.

The only experience that's 'massive' aspect of the game is when you're in the city.
They're going in the opposite direction of Guild Wars for this one. Only instances in this game will be certain dungeons and your home "story" section in your capital (of which each of the 5 races has their own...and they're MASSIVE)
Be careful how you state that.

Executive, maybe.

Game Designer? Not at all. We got some quality people working in ArenaNet.... even a Triber.

which triber still works there?

All those "innovative" things you said have been done in Guild Wars 1. I played GW beta + GW1 + first expansion with one of the top American Guild vs Guild teams. Originally it was fun when no one knew what they were doing. Then it became full of gimmicks that were constantly changed/nerfed around different evolving meta-games that were unbalanced and a pain in the ass to play against. And with each expansion, the PvP became more and more convoluted and unstable. And the PvE portion was also a linear grindfest so you could unlock new skills for your characters.

Don't expect much from GW2.

which guilds were you in? were you in BE?
the pve grinding only existed for a few months after the game was out and after that the pvp rewards for just doing pvp was plenty.. and pve could be avoided altogether if you wanted

running gimmicks/flavor of the month things were more for lower skilled groups... a lot of teams knew what was coming and would either bring heavy counters to it or run something that wasn't similar to avoid the counters

seemed like the flavor of the month builds were for pugs in the HOH when you wanted to get going quickly and knew people would have those skills unlocked (since so many teams were running them)

but other than that, the fotm builds just seemed to lightly effect other teams in making sure counter skills were included in their builds
I really don't know if it will be any good at all.

Some of the stuff that brought people together in the original game, such as barrage pet groups got the shit nerfed out of them so less and less people played together for less stuff.

Probably every instance where two players interact will further get nerfed or omitted. I think they even threw around the idea of not letting people trade at all one time.

Then they made a quest in the last expansion that required a cooperative player group to beat. And since nobody wanted to play together by then, only part of the players ever finished the expansion.

It's a tunnel into an ass-dom.

As I told my friend about a week ago, "I don't think I can do another Areanet MMO."

Why? Because I know better.