I dunno, that wall of text wasn't nearly as hateful as the previous ones. I think hes losing his touch.
O, so when people bitch about Buford_T_Justice on the forum, they are just roleplaying out how your character is a douche and not you.
Another day of shenanigans.

Logged on to find out that the Mafia were holding a Lesbian wedding between two of their female members, Rho and Vana something. So naturally I decided it'd be fun to crash their wedding. Rolled with leeory_jenkins (FCV) and John_Falcontamer (Aeiownyou) to the spot. They shot us at first but we acted nice so we could watch the wedding. Here are the wedding proceedings:



Aww so cute. Then I decided to take out my gun and try to kill atleast one of the brides. Got one of them but not the other, but my mission was accomplished :D


They then proceeded to attack our club. We held our own, died but got them too and they didn't gain control of the club.

Sorry Kiko
we tried to keep low, but mafia and grove along with you attacking non stop has pretty much made that impossible

Now its war and its not our fault we tried to keep things down but our #s scared them so its on

Word we honestly tried to keep the peace, even while being attacked by grove and mafia constantly. Now its fucking on like donkey kong.
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None of you seem to understand what "roleplaying" means. The cops are just characters, just like everyone else is supposed to be. The cop might be an asshole, but his player isn't. People can be corrupt cops, or corrupt politicians, or asshole gang members, or whatever, but they're BEING THEIR CHARACTER. You guys need to understand the difference between "in character" or IC, and "out of character" or OOC.

Running up to me when I'm Buford_T_Justice and saying "LOL HI JONEZ" is being OOC. My character is not "Jonez", he's an FBI agent. Your character wouldn't know who "Jonez" is, he's some gangbanging mexican from Los Santos. Yes, this may sound gay or lame or whatever to a lot of you, but it's a ROLEPLAYING SERVER. If you don't like roleplaying, there are plenty of other places you can go to just blow things up.

People saying the cops should be NPC's are just highlighting how they don't understand what roleplaying is. The cops are there to provide roleplaying situations, just like every other character/faction/job/etc, and NPC's would move the focus away from RP and onto just blowing up as many NPC's as possible all day. The server isn't about blowing shit up and killing people, even though that happens a lot and is fun. Doing that stuff is fine if you have a ROLEPLAY reason for it. Bitching on the forums because some cop threw you off a bridge is stupid, because you're complaining OOC about something that happened IC. You should resolve it via IC channels, such as getting a lawyer, or calling the FBI internal affairs guys, or the police chief. If they're abusing the commands or the system in some way, that's an OOC issue and should be dealt with by admins or whoever. But getting fucked over in character is perfectly legal, and allowed to be done.

When I tell you guys you need to roleplay, this is what I'm talking about. Don't run up to me and say "LOL HI JONEZ". Don't refer to yourselves by your TW names unless you're using /b to talk OOC, or in a private conversation where you're not trying to RP. Take actions, do things, carry out your business in the game your CHARACTER would do it, not the way your real life player would.

A lot of you just seem to not even understand what people mean when they tell you you're supposed to be roleplaying, and that's a major source of the friction between you guys and everyone else. Stuff like logging out to avoid being arrested, which is using an OOC tactic to avoid an IC situation. Having alts in other organizations to get information in an OOC fashion that is then used to plan IC retaliations and stuff is another major no no. Your character should only know things he has witnessed himself, only act and behave in a way that makes sense with his background/motivations/attitude/etc.

Again, I realize this is probably hilarious to a lot of you, but that's what is expected of you on SZR. If you don't like it, please leave before you're griefed off the server by people who are sick of idiots who can't roleplay. Some of you seem to understand this concept perfectly fine and have no problem with it. The majority of you though can't seem to even grasp the concept of being "in character", let alone actually do any actions in the game that are IC.

You really need to work on that. That's what makes this game fun. Shooting people and blowing shit up gets really old after a few days. However, as an FBI guy, spending weeks hiding on rooftops to take surveillance photos of enemy gang activity, questioning gang members IC, working out secret deals in back alleyways, having informants, all that shit is WAY more fun, and it's all stuff that has to be ROLEPLAYED because there's just no way to code stuff like that into the system. The game is fun because of the roleplaying, not because you "win". Roleplay is supposed to be fun whether you "win" or "lose", live or die, get rich or go broke, because the fun is in the roleplaying and GETTING TO that ending, not so much in the actual ending itself. Sure, being the rich guy who defeated all of his enemies is more fun than being the poor guy that got killed 50 times, but it's still fun either way. Focus less on "winning", and "pwning noobs", and more on roleplaying and scheming and trying to be more intelligent and crafty about things and the game will be a lot more fun, and the rest of the server population will enjoy you guys a lot more.

Look at the bikers. They get shot up a lot, but they roleplay it well, and everyone on the server loves them. They have a reputation for being good roleplayers, and it gets them a lot of favors and stuff done because people enjoy playing the game with them. You guys get so much grief because you never try to roleplay, and that just adds more fuel to the fire when people look for reasons to hate you.

I can't believe i read all this shit. The way you're describing the game is, basically, everyone is there for the fun of the 12 people playing as cops/agents. Awesome. Maybe it's fun for YOU to do boring weeks of surveillance and all that shit, but for the rest of us, we're stuck just grinding materials drops and having cops randomly act like dicks. Of course you end up wanting to shoot people, there's dick else to do in between random cop violence and reading dozens of spam advertisements. It's not a roleplaying issue, there are no roles to play, unless, apparently, you're a cop and you get to randomly decide to be a giant cunt.
That's the great humor about Jonez telling everyone they aren't playing right.. he only plays as FBI and hitman. He won't play as a normal character anymore, by his own admission "it isn't fun".

Go on and on about how people should stop looking for reasons to fight and roleplay, but no one wants to sit on a game and do shit like go shopping for groceries and talk to your neighbors about the weather. The game is about fighting - every single part of the game revolves around that. Drug dealer - sells items to restore health and armor, so you can fight. Arms dealer - sells weapons... so you can fight. Mercenary - can track people, so you can.. fight. Wheelman - modifies cars to get into and out of.. a fight. Police - calm shit down after a fight. Hitman - when someone wants to pay someone else to fight for them.
I never said you have to roleplay shopping for groceries or boring shit like that. I don't want to do that either. And Twiztid, why are you being such a tard? Roleplaying is for everyone, not just for the cops...

I'm saying, for instance, instead of just running up to that wedding and blasting the shit out of it, you try to create a little bit of a storyline around it. You make phone calls, you talk to people, you act out the scene instead of just running in and blasting the shit out of everything without a word. You make it like something out of an awesome gangster movie instead of like a Quake deathmatch map.

For instance, with my hitman, I could just drive around all day blasting people without ever talking, but I don't because it gets you banned. One time I had a guy with a contract on his head ask me if I was a hitman, and I wouldn't give him a straight answer. So then he asked me how to join the hitmen, and I told him to get in the car. I drove him to the alley behind Ammunation, and told him the secret entrance to the hitman base was down at the end of the alley. He walked down there, looked around for a second, and then I blew him away. That was a lot more fun and hilarious for both of us than if I'd just driven up, shot him, and drive away without any interaction at all. Other times we negotiate with people to pay their contracts off, which is fun to RP. Sometimes we lure targets out into the open while our partner sits on a rooftop blocks away, and snipes the guy. It's WAY more fun and interesting than this mindless deathmatching all of you seem so fixated upon.

Try using your brains before your trigger fingers.
They did roleplay. They sneaked into the wedding after putting white shoe polish on their faces and killed them some hoes for some relief after a hard day of fighting off the mafia and grove.
if anyone just rolled into the wedding and shot without any regard, it was the vagos

the BE people that went actually waited and THEN pulled shit

also, as has already been said there was a reason for it seeing as how the people attending were grove and mafia
yeah vagos rolled in there DM style and shot up the place

you can see in the screenshots we were just chilling before shooting them up, we didn't just roll in guns blazing
i dont see why anyone would want to play this after jabba jonez has put his foot down

what a fucking dork
I can get over how serious Dr. Jay is about this.

Is serious business.



I liked the idea of specifically hunting him constantly.