Globalist or Nationalist

Are you a Nationalist or a Globalist?

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Veteran XX
in the end
it doesn't matter what laws you think our side broke
or what laws we know your side broke...

Are you responsible or lazy?
Do you want a strong nation or the end to our nation?

Pick a side jou
I think there's too many cuckservative nationalists for it to mean anything. I like the term paleoconservative or dissident right. As for me I would take the country religion and values pre 1911 before women were given the vote, before the atrocity that was the hart-celler act, before bending over to Israel became policy, etc etc etc.

That is my nationalism I suppose.

Edit whoops I voted wrong I thought you meant people who are sick of the nation for me but not for thee, a wall for me but not for thee etc
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I think I kept it as clear cut as it needs to be. Anything else is just weasel language. You know what you are.
Look who you decided to keep company with...
You made it confusing. I'm sick of people like Shapiro pushing Israel as a country with borders and a certain people but America is just "a placeholder of ideas". That's crap. I think people are waking up to conservatism today being liberalism from 5 years ago.
I really care most about what’s best for my family. Strong USA is in their best interest so I lean nationalist. However to ignore the inevitable globalization of all nations would be foolish. But that’s probably well past my or my children’s lifetime. Jewish Elite will still be running everything, of that I’m sure.
Yes, globalism...socialism can be seen as being on a line of continuum. But in this day and age, I think it is pretty clear cut which side of the civil war you are on. Ultimate Globalism and the destruction of Nations I hope never happens. One area of the world not happy with the speech of another area of the world, no problem, just curtail the offensive speech says the Global governance... The larger the populace the more control is exerted.

Globalism is the dumbing down of humans for easier control. Nationalism breeds competition, and competition creates stronger beings.

Namaste Dutch a la mode
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go easy on severed

he used to be cool like 20+ years ago before the strokes and alzheimers
fuck off severed
