Give me one *good* reason why gay marriage should be illegal

Who's to say harm is done to either party in the pedo cases at one time 12 was considered marrying age. Muhammad took a 6 year old bride. So apparently 'consent' isn't really an agreed upon number. WHo are you to push your beliefs upon the poor pedos, god made them that way
Except why should they, when it's between two consenting adults and no harm is done to either party?

Who's to say harm is done to either party in the pedo cases at one time 12 was considered marrying age. Muhammad took a 6 year old bride. So apparently 'consent' isn't really an agreed upon number. WHo are you to push your beliefs upon the poor pedos, god made them that way
Everyone here agrees that child molestation is harmful, so where are you going with this?

Anyway, for good measure:

The impact of sexual abuse on female development: Lessons from a multigenerational, longitudinal research study

Results of many analyses, both within circumscribed developmental stages and across development, indicated that sexually abused females (on average) showed deleterious sequelae across a host of biopsychosocial domains including: earlier onsets of puberty, cognitive deficits, depression, dissociative symptoms, maladaptive sexual development, hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal attenuation, asymmetrical stress responses, high rates of obesity, more major illnesses and healthcare utilization, dropping out of high school, persistent posttraumatic stress disorder, self-mutilation, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders diagnoses, physical and sexual revictimization, premature deliveries, teen motherhood, drug and alcohol abuse, and domestic violence. Offspring born to abused mothers were at increased risk for child maltreatment and overall maldevelopment.

That enough harm for you?
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Can heterosexual couples not spread AIDS and other STIs?

of course, but...

In 2010, an estimated 1.1 million people aged 13 years or older were living with HIV infection in the United States. Most (76%) of those living with HIV were male, and 69% of males were gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM)a.

There were an estimated 38,000 new HIV infections among men in the United States. Seventy-eight percent (29,800) of these were among gay men (MSM).

You guys would be shocked at the amount of so called "straight" married white men who try to sleep with me all the time. Even after I tell them I have HIV their only response is usually along the lines of "its ok I want that hot ass". It disgusts me to no end they would choose to put their primitive side over the well being of not only themselves but their wives as well. Those types I immediately stop talking to. For reasons that are obvious. I don't rat them out to wifey because I wouldn't sleep with them anyway so I feel it's not my place.

I was lucky doc caught the infection early on. I have been undetectable for so long that even if I tried to infect someone I couldn't, but that is not the point. They are more than willing to.

EDIT: Those stats are full of shit. Pun intended. It's way worse than they say. Through the roof worse than they say. Unlike most all of you I see it first hand because I live it. Think I'm kidding. DL Grindr. Make profile using one of my pics in drag. See what happens.
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Think I'm kidding. DL Grindr. Make profile using one of my pics in drag. See what happens.

haha, this could actually be funny to do if we also only communicated using direct tehvul quotes from TW

and then posted all the resulting interactions

however, way too much time and effort for something not very worthwhile and that would also invariably lead to seeing some gay dicks
o man I dunno which tehvul would b the best 2 use

gangsta rap tehvul
altar on bimini tehvul
chemtrail scholar tehvul
silver in my well tehvul
I'm gay and have aids tehvul
no jk I'm straight and have fleas tehvul
I'm lower-middle class but think I'm a Kardashian bc an old guy died tehvul
oh holy shit how could I forget

I produce music for pop stars tehvul

that was a good one too
which lagber would u b on grindr

chokeslam lagber
japan weeb lagber
underage dick pics lagber
planet fucker lagber
o man I dunno which tehvul would b the best 2 use

gangsta rap tehvul
altar on bimini tehvul
chemtrail scholar tehvul
silver in my well tehvul
I'm gay and have aids tehvul
no jk I'm straight and have fleas tehvul
I'm lower-middle class but think I'm a Kardashian bc an old guy died tehvul

1. Get Drakes "Take Care" album. "Crew Love" track. First thing you will hear is MY name tehvul 3x.
2. Told you all years before it was known the kikes who run the music industry were killing kids.
3. Actually it's weather modification. Appendix C: Planned Weather Modification | Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth | The National Academies Press
4. Silver is still there.
5. Very fond of pussy and boobs. Like to take a cock too. Best of both worlds and that bitch did have fleas.
6. Nigger I've done flipped my inheritance over and over and over and over. Didn't you know my Dad had his Masters in Finance? Who do you think he taught?

Not my fault you are a basic bitch. That's your fault. You prob the kind that washes their hair with shampoo.
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I don't blow my money. Live a frugal life. Still have the same car. Heavily invested in real estate and in other non stupid ways. Mike trained me when it comes to money. I'm good.