[Girls] So I bought my girl a Louis Vuitton purse...

nice, he wrote me one

Tehvul iz wan ineresting pur sun!
hee sez lotsa shit!
En den hee shays he bea "real"
Aye no pedo, me "ho boy"

chek own "Valerie is back" in archives
dare ewe weel sea me en xsun wi mah "ho's.....plenty pics
Eye's du dem awl....d maim, dee lame anna dee insane!

Dare iz blame,
blame et awl onna his "bubble headed beehived ridgerunning wallow wallering
rednecked "Ma Barker " inbred country "cracker" momma

she b d reason he was raised all fucked up! ( and...passed on gene's)
She shucked im offa on me
when Teh was 15 y.o.
Et was tu lait

My rule all home was...."If it ain't right, don't do it!"

He looka at me an sez....Shit! dat covers everything!

In a "nutsack"...that's what happen!
stranger than fiction..

Oh yeah....( I oughta know, ) I too make mistake b4
ifn d bitch doan knok erslf out fer you....den....no go!

Et takes guts too walk way.
bah dinna werry plenty o ho's out dar
dey bee lack fleas
jes doan git fixated onna ah pertikular wan!

I b putting "Angie" on "layaway" status
bah I luvs dat bitch wifelike
but goota have "buevollos"

she be a-calling..." ken i cum ober?"

I keep telling her "No! You do not please me or love me the way I need. I do not exist to ease your fustrations
You need to do for me! Soon I will start picking up chicks again!
I want/need a wife...you do not match the specifications!....No hard feelings! Ok?"
anna..........." dat's eat!"
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Can your dad like. . say things and dress himself?

Looking at the evolutionary timeline from Tehvul to you and extrapolating backward, I'd be surprised if he can even walk and talk.

Look Vanster'
DAD'S THING IS.....Constant bitching
He's bored! He'll find something to complain about!

Yes, he can still walk and talk and dress himself

If it comes to that...Yes... I quess I would wipe his ass for him!
There! fool,....... does that make you feel better?

Do you have a Dad?
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This thread is like a m night shyamalamamamamama movie. Fuck it started with fashion and purses (gay btw) and ended up with pedobears.
ive never understood what could dweasel possibly edit in his posts but he does it every time

jes like fucking
once is not enought
got a prob wid dat.

Ok.....The reason.
I doan type that well.
u no,..... the generational gap.

Play a wargame wid me...and I'll wax yo ass!
This thread is like a m night shyamalamamamamama movie. Fuck it started with fashion and purses (gay btw) and ended up with pedobears.

"Boom! I'll fuck your girlfriend , I'll be her man!"

Shit, you're the type that follows the party line
the kind that made Nazi Germany possible!

You sure as hell don't know me
I doan gib ah Rat's ass!

But weally kan I fuck yo gf?
( no fatties though!)