Gardening Thread 2017

First timer, but here are a few pictures of what I have attempted to not kill. Not pictured is my mint for some Moscow mule action and okra.

Some Indigo Rose tomato

a few taters. I have Yukon gold and Pontiac
My tomatoes are going gangbusters, but I only have 4 potted plants. Next year, I may create a nice raised bed in the front yard.

I've got 3 determinate varieties in cloth grow bags after testing it out last year. Lots and lots of tomatoes this year, but have to water 2x a day or they get blossom end rot due to how hot it is. My tomatoes in the garden are so far doing great as well. My onions got fucked by the hail and they didn't bulb up as much as they would have since they sustained a lot of leaf damage. Bees have finally arrived for the cucumbers as well.
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but muh sunflowers like it. I irrigate, check the fence for elite irrigation construction and implementation
Also, you need to do weed control, man..... If you had mulch down, you wouldn't have weeds....
I have secondary water.. cheap but even with 2 filters you get weeds

What does that have to do with weeds? Weed seeds blow around and stuff as well. But mulch suppresses weeds (except for the really invasive kinds and Bermuda grass), just make sure you don't use mulch that has weed seeds in it. A lot of hay does. Also, you water less when you have mulch because it helps keep the soil more moist and cooler.
I hoe it out every couple of weeks. This is only my second garden. I'll get fancy (mulchy) maybe later. Right not I am still amazed anything even grows back there.