Gardening Thread 2017






Lupin seedlings


Clematis (garden dogs in background)
I had a pool growing up. I don't think I'll ever own one myself, though. Pools are like boats: best to have a friend with a pool.
gardening thread is dope. u have a quaint lil home td

Thanks, man. It's a good size for the wife and I right now, 3BR + 2BA. Will be inadequate once the little donuts start coming. It has good bones and plenty of projects to keep us occupied, a good first home. This was my first attempt at a perennial garden, and I hope it turns out OK. Next year, I'm going to fix the front yard. To the left of the walkway, the previous owns had a big ugly garden that I ripped up. I basically let nature take it back this year. The back yard is another kettle of fish, though. It's hard to landscape when you have 2 dogs that run around back there for hours at a time.
oh man that looks so good

how much did you decide to do yourself vs pay

how much did mexicans do?

that looks so amazing

i was wanting to see some finished pics and these are stunning


I hired a guy to get the irrigation working and take care of the sod. I've been fixing the little things after that and cleaning up the flower beds.

The main guy on the pool (Mexican) was pretty good and paid a lot of attention to detail, but pretty much everyone else involved on the pool sucked. I had to constantly ride them about everything I wanted.

As for the yard, they were all white guys.