[Gaming] How To Refund Starfield Because The Pronouns Upset You


She looks like a he
I thought people were refunding the game because it was a buggy piece of shit and poorly optimized. When Todd Howard was asked about better optimizing the game, his response was 'just upgrade your PC'

But I'm sure Jim Sterling (a guy who gets upset about 'dead naming') has spun a wonderful argument about why everyone wanting a refund is upset about pronouns because that one unhinged dude made a video about it.

I dunno. I haven't watched any youtube videos about a shit game so I'm ignorant about the subject. I do know Quin69 streamed the game for 3 days, beat it in 25 hours and got a refund (not pronoun related). lol
The list of people surprised by the revelation that Amadeus watches woke tranny content on Youtube:

it makes me want to laugh, but...

it also makes me feel embarrassed for him, and you to be honest, for watching this clown world shit and taking it seriously.

it also makes me feel sad and ashamed about the direction our (clown) world is going, and it makes me wonder what can be done to change the direction of this stupidity.

Yeah embarrassed would be the correct descriptor. I'm embarrassed for that person.

That's a lot of feelings elicited by one random picture of a random person you've never met. :Hmm:
Yeah the presenter looks like a reasonable human being I'm totally gonna watch it

SJW gaming content :lol:
msnbc, cnn, and the person inviting you in to see the hairy lady at the carnival

documented facts