Game of Thrones Season 8

Yeah she was pure good when roasting the tarleys for not bending the knee, for burning alive the khals, and for crucifying the slave masters. She was pretty indifferent to her brother being smelted by her husband. Those are all actions of someone who is purely good. There are plenty of hints along the way that she may head this way, and plenty of things she has done that prove she is not the wheel breaker she thinks she is.

Yeah, sure was obvious.

I guess that's why half of the internet was calling out how she was going to suddenly become a baby burner in the second to last episode.

Oh wait, no one did...

They were ranting about little finger being alive, the night king being the good guy, Varus being a mermaid, and all kinds of other useless crap, which was apparently more obvious than Danny flipping to child murder queen.
tbf I posted many pages back how she literally burned her way out of every single problem she ever had

fool also mentioned how she listened to other people, experienced failure, and then when she did her own thing (aka burned) that everything turned out okay

so yeah it wasn't surprising

one thing that was really dumb was how they put her hearing the "voices" in the recap before the episode rather than in the episode itself
tbh i figured she would either die, get preggers, or flip her shit before getting the throne

her getting the throne isn't much of a story

girl has 3 dragon
girl uses dragon to get power
gg no re
Everyone is a future divining seer after the fact...

Come to think of it, I knew it would happen too. I just conveniently never posted about it like everyone else.

The moment I saw it go down I realized I had always known and predicted it ages ago.
You said that after you saw the episode...

Please point to me someone posting that she was going to flip before it happened.

it wasn't totally shocking is the point
it was rushed and clumsily done and a drunk 4 year old with a broken typewriter could have done better
there were a million different theories about how the show was gonna go and I remember reading a few saying that she was gonna turn evil, that jon would kill her etc etc even before the season started

I think most people just didn't wanna see her as evil but when you look back on it in retrospect, she was a real fucking cunt

she never even had any "real" claim to the throne

them niggas lost the war

when u lose the war u lose the claim
Everyone is a future divining seer after the fact...

Come to think of it, I knew it would happen too. I just conveniently never posted about it like everyone else.

The moment I saw it go down I realized I had always known and predicted it ages ago.

if you have the power to search TW posts, I prob mention my thoughts that she is bad news from years ago
Dany burned her way out of every problem, but every time she did it it was to liberate oppressed people from tyrants. They edited it to be heroic, to portray Dany as benevolent to the people. Every character that entered her service loved her. To have her turn into a bloodthirsty tyrant is completely out of left field, even if she's spent 8 seasons burning people, because the people she burned are portrayed as having deserved it.

They spent the first 3 seasons with Joffrey as the principal villain. Then the next 3 seasons with Ramsay as the principal villain. In the final 2 seasons, which are only 13 episodes, they have 3 principal villains in the Night King, Cersei, and finally Dany. It's ridiculously cramped. For it to come across as remotely satisfying, Dany needed to either be edited to be a little more ambiguous throughout the series, or to cause her turn to be far more tragic. If things truly were slipping away from her, or if Cersei was winning and painting her as a villain successfully, being forced to do things she really doesn't want to do, etc. Even things like having Jon turn on her, or even better, the Night King converting her into the Night Queen and having her raise Jorah, Greyworm, Missendei, the Unsullied, the Dothraki, and the Dragons as a massive and actually trained army of the undead. Imagine a scenario where Jon has to side with Cersei to stand against the undead army led by Dany to defend Kings Landing and the realms of men. Far more satisfying.

Ultimately D&D fell into a trap of wanting to please fans on Twitter. They wouldn't kill Arya if you paid them to. They wouldn't kill Brienne, or Tormund. They boxed themselves in to needing a huge trope filled epic fantasy conclusion but that was never what Game of Thrones was about. They attempted to make an unexpected happy ending filled with standard finale cliches. It's no wonder it sucked.
Chekov's dragon.

Chekhov's gun (Russian: Чеховское ружьё) is a dramatic principle that states that every element in a story must be necessary, and irrelevant elements should be removed; elements should not appear to make "false promises" by never coming into play. The statement is recorded in letters by Anton Chekhov several times, with some variation:

"One must never place a loaded rifle on the stage if it isn't going to go off. It's wrong to make promises you don't mean to keep."

Lady has a dragon, burns people to death occasionally with it, and might go insane. Has used dragon before, and might use it again, when paying back the regime who murdered her grandfather, father, mother, siblings.
They attempted to make an unexpected happy ending filled with standard finale cliches. It's no wonder it sucked.

Yeah before the season started I was hoping for something like what you said with the night king obliterating the north with the final battle interweaving the conflict of night king vs living and protags vs cersei & co at king's landing. I really thought they were going to tie the two together somehow because otherwise the night king had to go down first just because of geographic reasons and that would have been (was) anticlimactic.

if it was the case that 90%+ or whatever of westeros was annihilated, then the case that sam made for democracy might have worked since most of the lords are dead, and that would have made for an ironic conclusion to the throne plot instead of the butt of a stupid joke while repeating the cycle.
Still Danny battling main characters in Game of Thrones was somewhat obvious, though we didn't know who she would go against at the time.

Everyone is now acting like her turning and cooking babies in droves was mega obvious after it went down, when nobody ever once mentioned her going psycho, losing her shit, and roasting the shit out of thousands of children.

In my mind, there was nothing about that being even slightly realistic. Especially after the whole "cage the dragons cus they ate one single little girl" season.

In my opinion, there were next to zero clues that she would go that full on evil. She crossed the line, went over the river, and beyond the mountains on that one. It was beyond excessive.

And the catalyst that caused this "snap"? Her friend dying?


Anyone in here gonna go burn babies cus their friend died?

Danny had tons of people she loved die.

Missandei was the magical straw that broke the camel's back?

People don't usually flip their entire moral integrity from one of many hundreds of negative life experiences.

It just seemed so damn stupid...

I know I'm not alone on this.
The big question is, after all those people around her (including Missandei) died... who was doing her hair?

It was GRAY WORM all along! You didn't know he had those skills! Epic twist! SHAMALANED YA!

Everyone knew that though, there were tons of clues pointing to it all along:

1) He uses a spear, duh.

2) He has no penis, obvious.

It was super obvious all along. Everyone had hunches about this.

Stupid show is stupid.

I'm back to reading books where things don't suck...
Hell even doing a basic thing like having Dany's army get wiped out and the only method left to her for winning the war is unleashing Drogon would've made more sense. "Dany don't do this we can rally more men!" "Cersei dies today." Everyone's horrified.