[game] Nioh


Veteran X
Anyone else playing this? I've gotten about 3 hours in so far; pretty damn good imo. Its Dark Souls set in feudal Japan, with enemies based off of real Japanese folklore. Gives me a very Tenchu feel, with the difficulty of the Souls games. So far I've been thoroughly enjoying it. Its fast paced, much like the difference between Bloodborne and DS. This is going to be a good month for games.

hopefully it brings back the difficulty that they neutered in ds3 and made ds1 so good
It's pretty hard, I find it much harder than Dark Souls. At least in the beginning, enemies do a lot of damage and can combo you to death easily if you aren't careful.
"unlike Dark Souls..."
*goes on to list several things from the Souls franchise*

It's a cool looking game but so far it looks like Dark Souls with a shitload of loot that you have to manage every 10 mins.
just picked it up on a whim

hopefully combat is fun. I always get fed up with Souls games fairly quickly so not quite sure why I went for this hehe
Combat is difficult to get used to, but the way they have it set up makes for some nice smooth combo's if you invest in the skill trees right.
tbh i got kinda tired of dark souls before it was even over, yeah it's got great enemy design but there's no real benefit to the balancing being so obnoxious. dmc has great enemy design and babies can beat that. just feels like a way for casuals who are turned off by score systems /competition to feel like they can be good at a game.
will probably pick this up. would have definitely waited if not for the positive comparisons to bloodborne's combat mechanics over dark souls.
looks good, I love the souls games and will most likely get this the next time I am looking for a game.

Can someone explain how multiplayer works? How do co-op and PvP work, are they like Dark Souls with summons or what?
Every time you die, if you are online, you will leave a revenant stain on the ground. From what I can tell, when you summon other players revenant's into your world, they have the same gear and skills that the fallen player had (and their hard as fuck to beat). When you beat them, you have a chance to get an item that allows you to summon other players to help you out with the mission. I haven't seen much in the way of pvp yet, but I've been mostly grinding out some better gear tbh, and have only gotten to the 3rd mission. So far my favorite weapons are the rifle and the sickle chain weapon. just started playing around with the magic alittle.