[Game] grepolis

someone needs to make an automated farming script, including testing for an 80% mood and sending a double wave of strengthen and loot
i made a really ghetto autoit script for when i'm away from the computer with grepolis in the active window

; island map (275,215)
; farm target (647,502)
; select attack on highlighted farm (617,326)
; input # swordsman (566,427)
; select strengthen (612,490)
; select loot (560,491)
; confirm attack (604,536)
while 1=1
	;$iterations = 1
	;$totaltime = 7 ; the number of 5 minute iterations to occur
	;while $iterations < $totaltime
	;	mouseclick("left",275,215,1)
	;	sleep(300000)
	;	$iterations = $iterations + 1
	sleep(10000) ; appropriate delay for browser loading time
		;selects number of strengthening attack units
		;selects the number of looting attack units

i just used the coordinates on my own computer, you're welcome to modify it.

i dont know shit about greasemonkey but a more functional bot would be welcome

*edited for timers between mouseclicks
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you may want to put some timers between those mouse clicks so it doesn't look too automated. I know in TW.net they track time between clicks and you get a flag if things happen too quickly.
If you got shitloads of bases on this game would it take as long as TW.net would take to play? I dont want to do that crap again.
If you got shitloads of bases on this game would it take as long as TW.net would take to play? I dont want to do that crap again.

We don't know. Although with TW with premium, you can automate a lot of tasks, that's according to Jasp and others who stayed longer than me told me. I couldn't take the burden when I had close to 300 villages, without premium or any scripts, it was a big chore to maintain my villages + launch attacks & defenses.

I don't know if I will play for several year of this either right now. This game is like a combination of tribalwars + age of mythology. Also the farming system is quite different in this game. It's much easier (you only get 8 farms), but also more complicated as you have to share those farms with everyone on your island, with mood & strength considerations. On the plus side, you can no longer just build troops to farm hours away since you need ships to leave your island = you're stuck with those 8 farms unless you can crack some players open and farm them.

joined up in SW

send me gold and shit

We can't send each other resources without market and markets takes longer to build in this game, probably to deter players like us who help each other early and quickly. You need level 10 market to send resources across the sea, but if there's a fellow TW on the same island, you just need level 1 market. Make sure you read the help subforum, read up on all the posts there and some posts on the general forum for guides/hints/help
Going well so far with 50 swords, now looking to get some archers but that will take a while

We need more players if we're gonna take that #1 alliance down
mother fucker why did I just sign up on TWars again if everyone is gonna be playing this one

I dunno if I wanna do both