fps drop in retail

hmm interesting. I have my amd oc'd but i dunno if thats the problem. You would think if it were the cpu I would have problems in all games. Even in ut2k4 i can have max settings with 4/8 aa/af and I get no issues at all.

Also to the people having problems what are your timings on your memory?

mine are corsair 3200(11,3,2,2) and my mobo is a asus a7nx deluxe rev 2.0
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I'm running an -- extremely -- overclocked athlonXP and I don't have any problems. I have most things on UH Settings (minus terrain):

AthlonXP 1700+ @ 2.4ghz (12x200)
A7N8X-D pcb. v2.0
1 gig Hynix 3200 -- dual channel (11-4-4-3)
BBATI 9800pro (stock speeds)
Onboard sound (I had to turn off music because I was getting BSOD a LOT)

I should also mention, I formatted my computer about 3 weeks ago.
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If I turn the settings down to Medium I can play the single player, and sometimes I can play MP at high settings. Either way I was getting much better performance with the beta and demo. And in any case, I think I have a good enough setup that I should be able to play at Ultra High with no problems. Hell, I can play Far Cry cranked full and Doom 3 at high settings without this happening.

Maybe it's time for a reformat. It's been about 2 months since I set up this computer, this could just be GWB (General Windows Bullshazbot).
Well I used to have a similar problem with Far Cry, and setting my virtual memory to 3GB fixed it. But now, for one reason or another I can't do that anymore and my VM is at 1.5, coincidentally this has started occuring with Far Cry again.

That's why I think a reformat might help.
I had this same problem as well (Athlon 64 3400+, ATI 9800XT, 1GB RAM) and then I realized something and it all came together. Beta05 didn't show player shadows and the Multiplayer Demo did. This is what caused people to complain about FPS loss. It's also the reason why if you look away from the area where people are your FPS jump up. Simple fix, lower the shadow settings! I did this and I'm running smooth again.
hmm, i must be one of the guys who's not running flawlessly then.

x800256, 3200+, 1gig ram, and i've had to turn stuff off etc, move to 800rez to get a smooth feeling.
Having Same problem, but it began back in Demo.

In Beta Id have a pretty constant 60-85 fps with ultra settings at 1024x768 with 6x anti-alising and 8x anistropic. Sometimes below 50 if it was a full 28 player server and facing towards all action.

In Demo and Retail im getting between 25-40 with exact same settings. This is effing retarded and it pisses me off...Ive even hit lower then 20 in a large battle or facing towards the action

System Specs
Windows XP Pro SP1
Pentium 4 3.0 800FSB --> 3.5Ghz OC'd
1 GIG OCZ PC-4000 gold
ATI X800 Pro

Halp me :(
Turning down shadows did help a little bit. More testing (im going to try shadows on medium-high with blittering on)

Update: well with shadows on high and the blittering option enabled(6800gt) i am no longer getting spikes. This has seemed to work for the time being.

Do they plan on fixing shadows for T:V? also did they every fix the ps problem with nvidia cards?
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