Everquest 1 New Progression Server (Play like 1999)

It was so popular because of how difficult and rewarding it was. There was none of the immediate gratification that plagues all MMOs nowadays. Much like tribes, it had a high skill curve and there were significant differences between people that play an hour a day and those that played eight. The original game had the very real danger of dying deep in a dungeon and not being able to retrieve your body and loosing everything you've worked for.

I remember when the level cap was 60 and leveling from 59-60 took weeks of hard grinding. Killing stuff in EQ, even in a group setting, requires coordination and skill... Not 5 seconds of spam clicking per mob like WOW and every other mmo since
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[Nerd] I remember the Treeant spawn in North Karana?? Where people would be on a wait list to join the party for hours and finally after I got my invite some other group wanted to split the spawn.

So I said fuck that told my group I'd brb. Joined the other party explaining that my previous group kicked me out for telling them to share the spawn. Soon as the group started to pull I group portaled them all to Cazic Thule then swiftly TP'd back to my bind point.

They ended up reporting me to a GM and the GM told me teleporting others against their will was against ToS. To which I explained the group was in mortal danger and I performed an emergency evac, but hit the wrong portal. He didn't believe me so I did /rude at which point he disconnected me from the server. I then filed a complaint against him for abuse of power as /rude is a valid in game function.


Group TP'd some people to a hostile dungeon
They called GM on me
/Rude and Kicked
Cool story bro etc etc
lol eq was great in a lot of ways

i was chased for over an hour by 3 people for instance

ppl like happy and got haggis and fishstix grew up and sucked the fun out of gaming