Dweasel molested his step-daughter to get at his wife

I think that you actually worry about the fact that you and your son don't like each other--both of you have said so many times that you're nothing alike--yet you're the two most despised people on this board. You've got that in common I guess.

actually they have a lot in common. both are self destructively stubborn haunting each other all over the internet when it is bad for both of them.

If Dweasal just let him move on and never came here, it is possible that he would of stayed off the sex offender list. But he couldn't stay away from tehvul, so here we are.
Maybe if naptown had some freinds who weren't still in highschool, was able to get laid, and wasn't a loser druggie he woiuldn't obsess over ballers and stalk them.