DooM: Eternal

Once you get used to the metas, the game is actually pretty fun. It's basically unlimited ammo/armor/health, and dieing is relatively rare
Yes, once you get used to ammo farming every fifteen seconds, a high-paced shooter becomes fun.

Oh, and just ignore the platforming... and the swimming... and the overuse of toxic floors... and the slowdown goo stuff... and the timer "puzzle" things...

what swimming? Besides, quake had it, no one seemed to care

toxic floors? One level had them

did you even play this game or just watch a youtube complain session
Don't fuckin' lie in my thread!

Get your shit straight before you come at me you damn idiot!
Only a newbie would find it fun mashing a magnetic melee button in an arena FPS game!

You're sewer scum! I bet you play this game with your XBOX controller. ROFLMAO!
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tbh i don't even like mouse and keyboard anymore, dual stick + gyro works real good. nintardo has had better controllers for 15 years but their hardware is such diaper crap that no1 wants to make shooters for them.
Yes, once you get used to ammo farming every fifteen seconds, a high-paced shooter becomes fun.

Oh, and just ignore the platforming... and the swimming... and the overuse of toxic floors... and the slowdown goo stuff... and the timer "puzzle" things...


I think what you're looking for is a new Serious Sam game.
None of those "things" were in DooM 2016, or any other DooM for that matter.

A lot of these gameplay "additions" are in Super Mario Galaxy though...
whats the purpose of gyro

so you can use the full pivot of your wrist for aiming. you can't move as fast as a mouse but it's a better analog of 3d control so it feels more natural. basically you use the two control sticks like any other halo shooter but then you have an extra degree of tuning with the gyro. for anything where you have time to stop an aim (i.e. not doom) it's actually more accurate than a mouse.

is it better overall than mouse/keyboard? nah probably not. but it's a lot better than regular twin sticks.