DooM: Eternal

I will not let anyone gay up Doom for me. These games were back from when men were men, Nazis were Nazis, monsters were monsters, Satan was Satan and BFGs blasted big fucking holes in anything that moved.
I'm most of the way through the base game. Its actually pretty fun, and playing it on ultra-violence level makes its rather difficult, but still possible. I'm loving it, its a great challenge. Runs like a champ at 1440 too.
Fuck Tapatalk! They stole my fuckin’ content!

I can't finish this game.

It sucks! :(

What an amazing engine though! I hope we get a super sick arcade shooter like Soldier of Fortune 2 out of it! :)
This game doesn't suck, you suck! Although I am wondering who the fuck all these sentinel people are. I don't feel like reading through pages of Codex txt files.
well at least nazi's are still nazi's there's just more of em these days

That's interesting. I see more snowflake screechers like yourself than I see any "nazi". People like to inflate the Nazi numbers to justify acting like an adult autistic baby with a temper. (like cael)
This game doesn't suck, you suck! Although I am wondering who the fuck all these sentinel people are. I don't feel like reading through pages of Codex txt files.

Sucks may be a strong word, but it certainly doesn't feel like very much fun after the first few hours. The lead up to the first boss was great but it seems to drag after that point.

"Hell priests" and needless platforming aside, the gunplay is amazingly boring due to the forced chainsaw mechanic. I spend most fights concerned with my shotgun ammo count rather than just having fun shooting and dodging or whatever. Whoever thought "farming" would make an FPS fun is totally deranged! :(

Also, completely leaving out a simple deathmatch in favor of, again, some overthought PvE multiplayer mode inside of netcode hell is disappointing too!
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...or just focus on making a competent sequel to DooM 2016! The criticisms were easily resolved with a new engine. The nightmare of additions, however, totally destroyed a successful formula.

It seems like they got started down a good path and then refused to say no to anyone who had an idea. Blood punches? Swimming? One-ups? What the fuck?!
arcade mode in doom 16 was starting to have some pretty bad ideas too so tbh i am not surprised. i just finished replaying that one and other than tripping on every weird shape in the geometry bc my hitbox is so huge it is still a masterpiece.