[dogs] So I'm thinking of getting another dog [dogs]

I'd suggest a Mastiff. Why?

They are territorial but not overtly aggressive.

They will protect you, but they won't willy nilly go apeshit ballistic in accidental situations.

They are gentle giants.

They deter more than anything.

Do you really want an agressive dog? Or do you want a dog that for all intensive purposes will do the same thing, but be a much more enjoyable pet (Maybe - the breeds you are contemplating can be good enjoyable pets, but the question is do you have what it takes to train them the way you want them).
Aren't mastiffs like 150 pounds+??? Jesus, no thanks. One of the downsides of a rotty to us was it might be too big at 110 lbs.



cane corso


german shepherds are good dogs though
mastiff's are worthless

a relative of mine has a 150lb bull mastiff and it's nothing but a big baby

people have broke into their house/garage before and petted it with no problems at all

all on security camera
Eh, the only time shedding was really an issue with our German shepherds was when they were loosing their winter coat. Most of the time you can prevent a lot of the shedding by brushing your dog out.
mastiff's are worthless

a relative of mine has a 150lb bull mastiff and it's nothing but a big baby

people have broke into their house/garage before and petted it with no problems at all

all on security camera

This is true. My sister's 17lb West Highland Terrier scares the neighbors gigantic bull mastiff.
mastiff's are worthless

a relative of mine has a 150lb bull mastiff and it's nothing but a big baby

people have broke into their house/garage before and petted it with no problems at all

all on security camera

lol so they're basically gigantic english bulldogs.
theyre really good dogs though i won't deny that

but they're not junkyard defense dogs

i had a half golden retriever/half german shepherd when i was younger

best home defense dog ever, and has a scary fucking growl/bark
why the fuck would you have to pay that much for a fucking dog

go to the humane society and pick up a german shepherd for basically free

to answer this question: it's an option, but their are breeders that train their pups to be house broken, sit, heel, wait. Having a dog that can heel is worth the cost alone.
It's all in how you raise the dog. The breed doesn't matter a whole lot if they are brought up a certain way. My dogs hate people because I hate everyone. I didn't train them that way, it's just a lifestyle.
to answer this question: it's an option, but their are breeders that train their pups to be house broken, sit, heel, wait. Having a dog that can heel is worth the cost alone.

no it isnt.

you're fucking stupid and so is your wife

i hope you're both sterile honestly
Do not buy a pre-trained dog. It is going to be less attached to you and never listen to you as well as it would the person who trained it. The best guard dog is one who feels your family is its pack. You need to raise it and let it spend most of its time with your wife so it attaches to her and follows her around.

The dogs you named are all top 5 in biters I believe, GS is #1. These are dogs that will be insanely loyal to you, but overaly protective to a fault. If you have a lot of people at your house, young kids, etc. you have to train them or they're going to bite. Also all these dogs are working class dogs, which means they are supposed to be outdoors running. If you wife isn't going to exercise it daily, be ready for tornado that lives in your house.

That being said I recommend the Irish wolfhound. Tallest dog, and just shave it's hair and it's a real looker.

How can you go wrong with a dog breed to hunt wolves?
i've had two purebred rottweilers, one male and one female. they are great dogs that require a lot of attention and care.

the male, mozart, weighed about 110 lbs for most of his life and lived to be about 9 years. he unfortunately developed osteosarcoma (bone cancer) at about 8 years. he managed to make it about another year with treatment before we had to put him down. osteosarcoma is prevalent in rotties so that's something to consider. they also are known to develop bad hips as they get older. anyways, he was very intelligent and was trained to heel, sit, lay down, speak, roll over, and stay. he guarded the house but was fine with people we allowed inside. he never charged, snapped, or cornered guests of ours. one time he did get out in the garage when we had people working on the house and he cornered them and wouldn't let them leave. they sat there until we got home... he was great on walks and with other dogs. he never got in a fight or snapped at a dog. overall, he was a very easygoing for a rottweiler while still having that innate desire to protect.

mozart was such a great dog that we decided to get another rottie. now we have a female, sophie, who is about 80 lbs and 3 years old. sophie's personality is very different than mozart's. she is on edge. inside the house, with just the family, she is relaxed. rotties can be pretty lazy so she has no problem napping inside. however, when she's outside or when there are visitors inside the house, she is constantly on guard. up until recently, she would charge almost everyone who entered our house. outside the house, she is a little possessive and aggressive around other dogs. for the most part she's fine but there are certain dogs that must just look at her wrong and will set her off. she's fine 95% of the time, but people tend to get mad when you have a rottie who shows any amount of aggression. to combat her edge, we have made sophie very trained. she knows how to sit, stay, lay down, speak, heel, come, drop, find, and a few other things. we've had to make her very aware of the rules of the house because she will constantly try to test us as a way of her trying to see if she is the leader. it seems like she's finally calming down a bit and she's becoming easier and is definitely a great dog. she just required a lot more work and effort than mozart...

overall, rottweiler's are awesome dogs if you have a big house/yard and are able to spend the time to properly train them and take care of them. this includes socializing them, walking them daily, playing with them, etc. it's very noticeable the next day if sophie misses a walk... i grew up with rottweiler's and i think they are great family dogs, but i wouldn't necessarily feel super comfortable about having one with a baby around. they are just so quick and strong that they could do major damage to a baby without intending to do so. also, when you choose a dog, ask the breeders what the parent's have bred for (schutzhund/discipline competitions/shows/etc). this will help you determine the dog's personality. also, try and get a puppy that is very friendly. mozart was very friendly while sophie was a bit shy and questioning of strangers.

hah hope this helped... as you can tell from how much i just wrote, i have loved both my rotties.

here's sophie on a walk: