Do you remember when the Euros loved making fun of the US economy

thats pretty awesome. who the hell funds that project? thats expensive for a college to support. We made a ping pong ball launcher in my 2nd year.

A lot of colleges have similar programs, like Formula SAE. Basically students build a formula race car from scratch, competing with teams from around the world. I was a member of the Ohio State Formula SAE team my freshman year. My brother, an ME student, stuck with it longer though and became the captain of the engine team.

Formula SAE® Team Websites - Collegiate Design Competitions - SAE Student Central
This isn't some extra curricular just for kicks, though. It's a legit part of their studies and need to do it to finish their degree.

I remember kids doing stuff like that too. But it was a volunteer thing. The Germans enforce that kind of activity. Makes their students top notch.
the best idea ever was linking countries with varying amounts of debt together with a common currency

Hahahaha yeah those assholes just can't seem to get the hint that socialism communism destroys...insanity.

psychiatric condition affecting legal circumstances: legal incompetence or irresponsibility that results from a psychiatric disorder
Europeans always fail at comedy, that's why there aren't any european stand up comedians.
lol @ german engineering. I thought this was just a dumb american myth, is this a canadian thing too?

People seriously still believe ww2 propaganda and vw commercials?

German engineering universities rarely rank in the top 50 worldwide. Even if you want to stick with automotive output as your crackpot ranking system, the japanese have been shitting on them for years.

I've got no bones with Germany, hell, I'm German... but 'german engineering' is a marketing triumph, not an engineering accomplishment.
It's awesome in that yeah, cool.

But their studies quite literally consume their lives. The German work ethos is ever pervasive.

Their reward of course is tons and tons of money and 5 weeks paid vacation a year, but fuck if I would trade that for the entirety of my youth

So why do they make less than americans on average?
I agree. As a long-term strategy, it's going to be the model for the rest of the world. North America will be next, followed by East Asia. It's possible I'll see a unified world currency in my lifetime, but I doubt it. It will happen though.

YES! Lets combine our currency with the rest of the other shitty currencies of the world.

Terrible idea. Kill yourself
How many of your financially irresponsible relatives would you share your bank account with? That's effectively what Germany will have to do. Germany discussed after 6:30.

Also, this is an excellent article on Greece by Michael Lewis, author of the Big Short and Blind Side.

"The national railroad has annual revenues of 100 million euros against an annual wage bill of 400 million, plus 300 million euros in other expenses. The average state railroad employee earns 65,000 euros a year. Twenty years ago a successful businessman turned minister of finance named Stefanos Manos pointed out that it would be cheaper to put all Greece’s rail passengers into taxicabs: it’s still true. “We have a railroad company which is bankrupt beyond comprehension,” Manos put it to me. “And yet there isn’t a single private company in Greece with that kind of average pay.”

Beware of Greeks Bearing Bonds | Business | Vanity Fair
the best idea ever was linking countries with varying amounts of debt together with a common currency

You laugh, until California goes down and takes the rest of the states with it. We have less than 10 years, and that's if we do everything we can to stall it.
Fox News tell you that one Musashi? What about the other states that are fucked in debt worse than CA?
You laugh, until California goes down and takes the rest of the states with it. We have less than 10 years, and that's if we do everything we can to stall it.

Michael Lewis also did an article on Cali. Basically he says that states will not go bankrupt because they are able to push the debt down to the county and city level making them go bankrupt, with Valejo being the example here.

California and Bust | Business | Vanity Fair
I love this schtick you have going considering you're a pasty chubby nerd with a shrimpdick who had to move to asia to get laid

tell us more about your awesome life living in a polluted, sewage filled city and how great it must be to wake up every morning and smell piss, shit and chinese cooking on the way to your shitty job which garners you 0 respect anywhere else in the world. tell us about all those wonderful, toothless asian whores you lay with worse armpit hair then most men

lol you really are an angry nerd. What's wrong did your gf's arms get fatter? I don't have to go to an office. Kinda similar to your life except I'm not a 7 year linguistic student who still lives at home. I'm making bank moving containers schmuck. I was in europe years ago. Been there done that. Sure I've banged a lot of hookers. What am I gay? Get back at me when you grow up loser.