Disk Colors (OR Stormhammer Hues)

or combos... you have disc color, the glow ring color, trail color and explode color and all have RGB sliders. now theres alot of combos there...
if it makes it in that would be very cool

individual disc colors would be fun to play with
figure you could use that to advantage on darker/lighter maps

I think this would be a great idea, but there must be an option to disable it.

If you enable personal disk colors, then you pick the one you want, and you can see everyone elses personal color. If you do not turn it on, all disks will be blue.

I think this would make people use the spinfusor more just to show off there colors. "I pwnd you with my light red disk!". I'm all for increased use of the spinfusor.
well. If they can/will make it, It should be a serverside option to allow it or only to have default colors of the discs. I'm also pro customization for your own. If that's not possible then it would be cool to have each tribe have it's unique disc effects
This is a really good idea, I was always disapointed in tribes how you could never tell anyone apart besides their name and skin. Now with every tribe having different models, and this disc trail idea...:signed:
devil slayer said:
This is a really good idea, I was always disapointed in tribes how you could never tell anyone apart besides their name and skin. Now with every tribe having different models, and this disc trail idea...:signed:

Well even you have colours...
Orange, pink, red, white
I doubt you can tell who's who with many players can you? Because they are not unique...
Had an idea similar: Player created skin and explosion effects that replace current ones for discs etc. You'd have to download them to see them, if you don't have the skin, you see the default skin (which should be checked by any anti-cheat software). This way, you don't get stuck with some gay looking Batman-esque explosion, or an invisible mortar, but you can get lots of downloads and have a really colorful firefight.

Only problem with this is the download part. If you use a certian disc/explosion skin combo, there's no reason someone else wouldn't decide they like it and use it too. There were a couple of explosion skins I liked from T2, the "ring" and the "electrical storm" types.

It would however up the ante when discussing texture memory loads during a game.
Annihilator-X- said:
Well even you have colours...
Orange, pink, red, white
I doubt you can tell who's who with many players can you? Because they are not unique...

During tournament games, or match games in general where the teams are fixed, its easy to recognize the players (whom to avoid, whom to take advantage of) if their disc/skinset is a special color.

IMO however, this isn't necesary, if you remeber seeing the T:V gameplay it looks to be fast action...
Client-side on/off would be a must.

I'm all for the slider bars if they can do that, I don't know how they're doing the disc effects in t3. T1/t2 they were image files.

I would enjoy having a rainbow colored shitstorm instead of the normal blue shitstorm.
Chikaze: redeeming members everywhere.

Nice, simple idea that would be beneficial, I think. Disk colour is not a major factor in anything other then asthectics, but adds a nice little touch of customization. Id like to see this feature.
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Sir Lucius said:
Reminds me of how quake 3 gave you the coice for rail color. I loved that. All forms of personal customization and identification are wonderful in my book, the more so the better.

I realize such eye-candy is low-priority tho.

I too would be using a pink disclauncher b/c then it's like shooting people with aids.

That's the first thing I thought of.. Quake rail gun color.

Custimizations are cool. People enjoy a sense of indviduality and uniqueness, even if it's minor. :)
q3a had RGB sliders, i liked it a lot

it would be cool for tribes to choose a tribe color(s), and have each weapons trail tinged with it. Perhaps keep all the trails normal with the outer aura being this color, or make them entirely this color.

This could apply to other weapons too, e.g. laser rifle