Disk Colors (OR Stormhammer Hues)


Veteran XV
I know blue is the default disk color for the disk in the tribes series, and I know that almost everyone gets a different disk, (in the launcher) tail, (disk in the air, the streak) and explosion later on.

The graphic artists could make several popular colors (blue, red, black, white, pink, etc) available in the menu, so you can have whatever color disk you want, with matching tail and explosion.

Even better, when I change my disk to red, or you change it to black, it shows up that way in game, so when I shoot my disk, everyone will see my red tail, and I'll see everyone else's blue (or other color) tail. (like jedi knight 2, where you could see other ppl's lightsaber colors)
sounds easy enough to tack on when they are in that stage where everyone is just bug fixing and a few people dont' have a whole helluva lot to do.
Or possibly RGB sliders to adjust color (HL skins did that, and some Q3 mod that I dont remember right now). Have some really cusom colors.
idolminds said:
Or possibly RGB sliders to adjust color (HL skins did that, and some Q3 mod that I dont remember right now). Have some really cusom colors.
I thought about that too, but they're on bmp/png's right now. (so you could edit the bmp [t1] or png [t2] and change colors, something like that)

I didn't know how they're doing it for t3.
It'd definitely add a unique flavor for the game when playing on pubs. You'd begin recognizing certain players simply by their disc color. Prominent LD's for example if you were capping or HOing. You'd begin to recognize the yellow disc as so and so, the purplish disc as someon else, etc etc. Not a bad idea at all, and it could be extended to more things than just the disc.
Reminds me of how quake 3 gave you the coice for rail color. I loved that. All forms of personal customization and identification are wonderful in my book, the more so the better.

I realize such eye-candy is low-priority tho.

I too would be using a pink disclauncher b/c then it's like shooting people with aids.
This would be awesome. If it was going to be a RGB slider, then you could have an option for each weapon, like have green discs, orange mortars(trails), blue blaster, etc.

I would totally have purple for every weapon.
I love customization personally, and would like to see something like this. I think zoolooman already pointed out that each tribe has different colored jet flames, so discs would be another good addition. I agree, though, it should be one of the items on the bototm of the dev's lists.
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