Cyanide is an annoyingly pretentious nineteen year old punk:

I do believe isuk is the only person on this forum who is truly disliked by everybody but for some reason feels compelled to stick around.

I think there are 4 or 5 people that are universally disliked.

FuFu, Orbital, Isuk. . .ok maybe 3
Shadow(of)Death, you should not visit TW because of all the vulgar language that does not appeal to your familial values.
Show me where it says I can't watch 'R' rated movies.

Most: Perspective

Least: Every once in a blue moon when I have to get dressed up on a Saturday night for some meeting or another.

Teratos: No, but I know where you are mistakenly drawing that conclusion from.
The mormons I know say that it isn't allowed and all of them frown upon vulgar language. Where is your faith.
My ancestors came to this continent from Jerusalem in football shaped boats. Thanks for that perspective.
Edit: Except the fact he stalks everyone who talks shit about him. That is straight bitchy. Like Kura except more aggressive.

what the fuck fag'os cereal.