<@Cringe> poker is a sport

Curling is a sport, but it's not anymore physically straining than poker is. Video game players are called "cyber athletes". TSN is the Team Sportscast Network, and they primarily shoutcast video game matches.

If video games are a sport, so is poker.
Poker is a game of CHANCE. It is not a sport.

Sports require skill where poker requires luck getting good cards. Sure there is some skill in bluffing etc but again its a game of chance.
Keeper said:
Poker is a game of CHANCE. It is not a sport.

Sports require skill where poker requires luck getting good cards. Sure there is some skill in bluffing etc but again its a game of chance.

You're pretty wrong.

If 10 people sit at a poker table, and did absolutely no betting whatsoever and just looked at the cards as they are predetermined, you would win 1 out of every 10 hands on average.

There is plenty of skill involved to win more than 1 in 10 hands. And it's not just bluffing. As you don't know what your opponent holds you could make an argument that there's no such thing as bluffing (as you might be bluffing a bluffer). Gaining information, using betting strategy to ensure that your opponent is making mathematical mistakes, etc. are all a part of the game. Luck sometimes comes into play, but there's a reason why there are a few consistantly winning poker professionals and it's not because they're just super lucky.
Beating irishmen with sticks was a sport until 1874 when it was outlawed in favor of chinamen.
Fool said:
You're pretty wrong.

If 10 people sit at a poker table, and did absolutely no betting whatsoever and just looked at the cards as they are predetermined, you would win 1 out of every 10 hands on average.

There is plenty of skill involved to win more than 1 in 10 hands. And it's not just bluffing. As you don't know what your opponent holds you could make an argument that there's no such thing as bluffing (as you might be bluffing a bluffer). Gaining information, using betting strategy to ensure that your opponent is making mathematical mistakes, etc. are all a part of the game. Luck sometimes comes into play, but there's a reason why there are a few consistantly winning poker professionals and it's not because they're just super lucky.

short term poker = chance > skill
long term poker = chance < skill