Could I model?

"isuk said (Apr 3, 2007):

i will paypal anyone for a TW account


contact me on AIM JASON72087

thanks loots of love JASON"

This is the funniest thing over there.
honestly you look 11 years old and if you had to take your shirt off at the audition, they'd laugh at you.

stop tanning, start working out.

actually id just stop tanning and only work out if you care because your face is too round to model.

you aren't horribly ugly but come on man, just cuz ur gramgram says u should doesn't mean its true
Data said:

Data said (Apr 3, 2007):

I'd bang you if you were an anime dude.

-moto :)
still no reply to all of this from head automatica... I just didnt think he was dumb enough to do something like this..
maybe he is joking?