consoles have ruined PC games?

pfft, PC gamers have had an unquenchable thirst for more performance for well ... since the first networked game. this includes things like faster mice, more precise mice, better keyboards and or different keyboard like devices, etc etc.

those gamers who chose not to keep up were usually just fodder. sure, i knew of plenty of guys in tribes that kicked my ass on inferior equipment (nutz|hondurass played w/o 3d acceleration for awhile) but that was few and far between.

whats 40-60 bucks for a better setup to a gamer? nothing.

p.s. the merc sucks balls but the fang is actually a pretty killer device. i have used many 'alternative' devices including the 'claw' and the n50 and n52 speed pads. the fang smokes them all by a long shot.

*edit* looks like they have a new merc keyboard with the fang layout built in. so i retract that, the new one is probably pretty good the old ones blew ass though.

That is one of the main reason why many people get a console. They don't have to worry about upgrading later on. They pick it up and they have almost exactly what the guy down the street and the guy on the other side of the country has.

The merc still does suck. I don't think they've ever had any other versions other than what they currently have. It has always had the side area like the fang.
naw the old side area was a lot different. made of super sheasy plastic that felt like it would break any second. the fang uses a soft rubbery kinda plastic. i dont like the all in one device though i like my hands closer together.

the fang by itself is a great device though man i highly recommend it.

back to console owners not buying other controllers. back in the nintendo days ... dude how many people bought the arcade controller? every kid i knew had at least one and the rich kids had two. power glove anyone? stupid 'pad' for that olympics game. then look at madcatz and other companies like them. they make their living selling after market controllers. people buy stuff to plug into their controllers. adding a mouse and keyboard would only help micrsoft, sony, and nintendo converge the net onto their consoles too.
i would MUCH rather use a gamepad then kb/m any day unless the game requires a fuck ton of hot keys

except for fps games, but tribes ruined fps games for me
PC games have ruined PC gaming. There hasn't been shit for good PC games while there are plenty of 360 games that keep my interest.
you cant find a single interesting game on that list i linked earlier?

As an FPS gamer, not really. I used to be one of those people that hated console FPS games because of the controller, but I've learned to accept it because frankly there hasn't been a good FPS game on the PC in quite some time. I'm hoping Enemy Territory: QW or TF2 changes that though.
what console FPS games have been so tasty? there are plenty of good FPS PC games to play. none have a jet pack or are named tribes but nothin you can do about that.
Gears of War & Rainbow Six Vegas have both kept my interest much more than anything the PC has released lately. Granted RS:V is on the PC but I haven't really heard much about it.
w/o referencing any tribes games or a jetpack, define fun gameplay.

A game that keeps you glued to the seat getting you to play a few more rounds or a few more minutes?

I'm definitely not saying that there is one specific type of gameplay that will appeal to everyone. Some people like light and simple games, while others like the more deep and complex games. The problem is that most of the games out there right now are not very interesting and are just a repeat of what has already been done ad nauseum without any renovation, but with just a sparkling new graphics engine. There needs to be more originality and diversity to the PC gaming market.
i think too many people on this forum haven't gotten over the fact that tribes is dead.

if you expect every game to be tribes you're gunna be let down. besides who has time to really play like they did back in those days anyways? i sure don't.

you might want to consider switching genres btw. i am more of less a simulation player these days, ww2ol mostly (yes i know blah blah whatever). simulations are the only games i have found that consistently have an unmasterable skill curve. you can always get better it's easy to make mistakes etc etc.

i play FPS games to just waste some time and get a few frags.
I had a lot of fun with Dystopia and Red Orchestra. They're mods/indie games though, and I agree that the main FPS industry is pretty mediocre right now. Largely because every decent multiplayer FPS is getting delayed constantly :(
there are plenty of good games available, but there will never be another tribes for me again.

tribes coincided with my going to college. it coincided with me having a broadband connection and being an lpb. it coincided with my having independence and playing it as much as i wanted (almost failed my 2nd semester freshman year :lol: ) it was my first multiplayer online gaming experience. it was my first time being part of a clan/tribe and playing with my team. it was a game i was good at.

now that i am older and i work, i find that i have other committments and priorities in my life. i would like to blame it on games sucking and what not, but the truth of the matter is that i simply don't have as great of an interest in gaming anymore.

regardless of it being console or pc. i play consoles sometimes (xbox360) with my friends because it's a group activity, and sometimes when i'm really bored, i'll play a pc game for a bit too.
red orchestra is fun
fear was pretty ok
stalker is ok
new half life
i have heard good things about GUNZ but havent played yet (free DL for the beta).
Arma is pretty good from what i hear
Call of Juarez is out to rave reviews
you can play your RS:vegas on the computer

the old standby counter strike is enjoyable from time to time.

a game i recently found called warsow has been a good time too. its real fast, it's free, and it runs on a heavily modified quake2 engine so i runs like greased lightning on pretty much any modern hardware.

plenty of FPS games to play man.
there are plenty of good games available, but there will never be another tribes for me again.

tribes coincided with my going to college. it coincided with me having a broadband connection and being an lpb. it coincided with my having independence and playing it as much as i wanted (almost failed my 2nd semester freshman year :lol: ) it was my first multiplayer online gaming experience. it was my first time being part of a clan/tribe and playing with my team. it was a game i was good at.

now that i am older and i work, i find that i have other committments and priorities in my life. i would like to blame it on games sucking and what not, but the truth of the matter is that i simply don't have as great of an interest in gaming anymore.

regardless of it being console or pc. i play consoles sometimes (xbox360) with my friends because it's a group activity, and sometimes when i'm really bored, i'll play a pc game for a bit too.
this is why so many people say PC gaming is dead. it isn't the games it's their own lives.

i still love gaming. given all the options for my entertainment budget i prefer gaming.

these days it may be simulators or it may be strategy games or an indie shooter or whatever. plenty of good shit out there if you just get over the fact that tribes is dead and gone.
That list is pretty shitty. Sorry but just because a game isn't gonna be Tribes doesn't mean I have to accept crap just because it's all that exists. Most of those that you listed have little to no multiplayer community.
That list is pretty shitty. Sorry but just because a game isn't gonna be Tribes doesn't mean I have to accept crap just because it's all that exists. Most of those that you listed have little to no multiplayer community.

wtf do you care? are you in CAL? you a l33t e-athlete? all those games have active servers you can jump in and have some fun.

does everything have to have counter strike's numbers to be fun? why did you play tribes? it certainly wasnt because of the massive number of people playing. tribes was never that popular.